Recent comments

  • Reply to: Why Facts No Longer Matter   14 years 10 months ago
    I just want to know when you are going to expose 'global warming' for the hoax it is!
  • Reply to: PBS Edits Out Single Payer Proposal   14 years 10 months ago

    It makes me sick and sad that Frontline "missed the opportunity" to include Dr. Flowers. Whoops. Now I have to watch with more skepticism, or better yet, why bother. I don't need a slick rehash of the news spin. I'm glad I got to watch Bill Moyers interview of Dr. Flowers last February. Thank you CMD.

  • Reply to: "Cloaked" Web Sites Disguise Hidden Propaganda   14 years 10 months ago

    I like how they say "Abortion is Serious and Permanent". Well, I think having a child is a little more serious and permanent. :-) Honestly though I don't have a problem with the site, better than having a "cloaked" web site encouraging pregnent teens to abort.

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 10 months ago

    While it is commendable for Julie to help support the breast cancer fight, I have to agree with Ms. Landman. There is a certain dissonance between the idea of healthcare and the idea of guns. I'm not saying that you all shouldn't have all the guns you want to shoot whatever needs shooting or to compensate for whatever needs compensating for. Just be careful, which, I know, most gun owner are. But I can see that you know you're not winning the argument because you've resorted to all-capital letters, a typical conservative ploy to shout and drown out dissent.

  • Reply to: Why Facts No Longer Matter   14 years 10 months ago
    Many are negatively affected by the acts of those using such tactics. I believe the worst thing to happen is that people who do think and conduct business raise families etc. Now tune out all. They have become desensitized to never see or hear a real cause. In my personal circles of friends and acquaintances many use the term Conspiracy Theory to explain away seems about all. They in my opinion have become doubters of all. Meaning they no longer stand for anything or anybody besides self and self-interest. As said in the last sentence--- Democracy depends on an inquisitive and informed public that resists being hoodwinked and that is where the rub comes in. Many have their heads buried so deep in the sand to not see or hear any others in our Democratic Republic. Therefore our free society as thinkers then doers sets on the edge of the abyss.
