Recent comments

  • Reply to: A Firing Squad Execution, and Utah Worries About Tourism?   14 years 10 months ago
    While I share your distaste for the death penalty and agree that many are unjustly convicted (as shown by the successes of the Innocence Project), I don't understand your objection to a firing squad as a method of execution. It certainly seems preferable to the electric chair or lethal injections or hanging in that it provides an extremely quick death with little pain (since the shock of the shot seems to provide a brief time before pain is felt---and by then the victim is dead). On the whole, It's the method I would prefer. But, as you say, better to do away with the death penalty altogether. And ESPECIALLY do away with the death penalty without any trial or due process (the brand new Presidential power that Obama discovered: that the President can simply order the death of an American citizen, who will then be assassinated). THAT is truly over the line.
  • Reply to: Can Eating Junk Food Cure Breast Cancer?   14 years 10 months ago
    If it tastes good, it can't be good for you. Nice PR for KFC but not quite the same as donating directly.
  • Reply to: Will WaPo Outsource Health Reform Analysis to Fiscal Times?   14 years 10 months ago
    I have signed the petition. Health care reform is creating some interesting partnerships. Thanks for bringing one of those to our attention.
  • Reply to: Cap-and-Trade Gag   14 years 10 months ago

    What we can say for sure is that “cap & trade” is not just a simple combination of words, but a whole concept we should first understand before jumping to judge if it is indeed there to serve the environment, or would be achieving exactly the opposite. As unfortunatelly, it can be just the next "big bubble" following the subprime morgage crisis ...

  • Reply to: Congress Needs to Clip Goldman's Wings   14 years 10 months ago
    Engineered by the same Goldman Sachs involved in provoking the US supprime mortgage crisis, chances now stand that the Greek debt crisis has a big potential to destabilize the EU but also to kick back to the US economy as well ... The world economies and finances are so interconnected within the global economy, that it became literally impossible for a financial shock like the one in Greece to remain without consequences for the other (remote) countries as well ... Stay tuned for what will happen next, and how EU will decide to go about it - the issue might reveal some interesting aspects and connections
