In recent years NPR has moved toward the right wing, the side their sponsors are on, so it should not come as a surprise that the effort to sanitize American history has reached this once neutral-appearing institution
NPR gets worse with each passing day. Alas we no longer even have NPRcheck to keep them honest.
Keep up the scrutiny on NPR. The more you look the more you see how truly ugly it has become.
It's a deplorable situation when the "tweets" of Sarah Palin get extensive media coverage, but that mainstream media is utterly unconscious of this thoughtful and insightful article by Lisa Graves. Though the kinds of dirty operations have been going on for decades in all areas of politics and culture, even the more intelligent of the ordinary people have been largely unaware of the "conservative" machinations. I agree with you, Lisa, that the repeated "turning of the other cheek" by progressives and moderates to the slapping by what I call "corporatists", is counterproductive and not even Christian. One slap, and one turn of the cheek, maybe, but after the second slap it's time to slap back or at least step back.
Why did you not give the eco-terrorists and the pro-illegal immigration terrorists their 15 minutes of fame, And how about the anarchists who injure people and destroy property.