Thank you for the valuable information. I asked a friend this question, to my satisfaction, I found the answer from you updated reports on the oil spill; how many ounces of water is in the gulf, how many cubic inches is in the gulf?
One thousand seven hundred twenty-eight cubic inches equal one cubic foot. One cubic foot equals sixty-two and one-half pound of water.
Are we safe?
Thank you
This is a wonderfully written and compelling piece of literature. Thank you for writing it up. I intend to blog it over at Left Edge North, and hope many many more do also.
Joe in Washington state USA
Have you considered requiring commentators to give their names? Time is wasted skimming data from the anonymous. If a whistle-blower dials on, they will find a way to get their information to you.
BP is lying and making things up and trying to get out of this !! Steve Wereley a professor at Purdue University says that this leak is actually a gusher of 70,000 barrels a day. The professor did say that this estimate is 20% more or less than 70,000 barrels a day. This is outrageous and unacceptable. I am boycotting BP and I've already started calling friends and family to stop buying BP. So far, everyone I talk to agrees with me and will be boycotting BP. These oil companies have been raping us ever since Cheney's secret energy meetings and this needs to stop...and I ask again, WHY AREN'T BUSH AND CHENEY IN JAIL AGAIN ??!