Slight oversight BP Amoco is the actual entity.
All contracts are held by Amoco Houston.... indirectly held by Amoco Oriental Chicago , guess who is behind that one...
The investigations go on...
Why does the United States government not use a torpedo injected with some type of hardening foam or siicone substance and shoot it in the pipe. I know they are very accurate with bombs now due to high technology. i know sealant like this exist, and it would have to have alot of force to go through the oil gushing out. I didn't know where to leave this information, but I'm going to send it to a couple of places since they were asking for suggestions.
Dear Paul:
We were pushing for full audits of the fed and much, much more.
We decided to praise this breakthrough even though it was not as strong as we hoped, to gain a toe hold for additional oversight and watch-dogging of the unaccountable Fed.
Don't let the (ridiculous) turkeys get you down. They were so obviously sent here to comment by the org that you're outing. Keep fighting the good fight for helpless animals!
These guys are not dumb. They probably hoped for a response like this. The tail wags the dog.