Anyone that is associated with tobacco or pharmacy companies in any way should not be able to have a position with the FDA board because it is a conflict of interest. Of couse they will recommend their own product and want to market it for financial success. The decision should be made strictly from a third party that don't stand to gain in a financial way
Substitute the words "fructose/glucose" for salt and any statements hold true when talking about their over-use. The problem isn't the chefs but the food companies.
The memorandum in 2005 states that In all their communications activities, Executive departments and agencies must of course comply with applicable law, and accordingly should conduct such review as necessary to confirm their compliance with laws governing the use of appropriated funds for communications purposes, such as, for example, section 1913 of title 18, United States Code, and sections 621 and 624 of the Transportation, Treasury, Independent Agencies, and General Government Appropriations Act, 2005 (Division H of Public Law No. 108-447). Any questions concerning the circumstances in which a department or agency may enter into a specific contract with members of the news media, for consulting or other services, should be directed to the general counsel of that department or agency. This memorandum is a great tool that can even be used against us without letting us know or even aware about the scheme of things. We must all be very vigilant of the things that the government is doing and of all its external and internal transactions. We do not want to wake up one morning being unable to act simply because we are left with no choices but to comply to the things that the government has set before us. The essence of Democracy is giving us the freedom to choose. However, if we are left with little or no choices at all then our freedom is in jeopardy. a proactive approach to animal protection. If successful, HSUS will be able prevent many of the situations that required rescuing animals from cruelty.
Anne Landman
Anyone that is associated with tobacco or pharmacy companies in any way should not be able to have a position with the FDA board because it is a conflict of interest. Of couse they will recommend their own product and want to market it for financial success. The decision should be made strictly from a third party that don't stand to gain in a financial way
Substitute the words "fructose/glucose" for salt and any statements hold true when talking about their over-use. The problem isn't the chefs but the food companies.