Even though a corporation is an artificial person created as an entity to provide for limited liability, exhalting it above natural humans is the same as placing Lieutenant Commander Data above humans! This is precisely the same as building clay idols and exhalting them as God! Why, oh, why is the Fundamentalist Christian believers not raising the alarm? Just this day, the same Supreme Court issued an unsigned emergency order that voided provisions in Arizona's public campaign financing laws that allowed preferentially increased level of aid when a challenger is being outspent by an incumbent using his own hoard of personal cash!
Who has found the deepest depths of the Abyss?
By Dwight Baker
June 9, 2010
Out in America today many good sane solid to the rock core citizens want to aid in the BP Blow Out best as they can. But the biggest problem is finding the deepest depths of all the spun up and shouted out media hype type Abyss.
The Abyss is coming from across the pond, from upstairs and downstairs and dimly lit corners. Some comes disguised as scientific, prophetic, monolithic, and even some of the deeper depths of the Abyss is found on Fox news. Yet that is just a glance of some of the sources.
Others round and about are shouting out “I have the plan!” but when getting through their self imposed dismal Abyss --- one finds out they too did not have a clue. WHY? The truth is not a company policy held in high esteem by those working for the New Green BP.
While searching for the truth hidden behind all the lies, some times a junction in the road jumps up. And we want to say OH NO more digging to do. But that my friend is where the road will finally end ---- for us finding the deepest depths of the Abyss.
Nothing worth a damn is cheap---- so go study ----get it for yourself.
I live in Montana and have come up against some atrocities in its State Law and its reliance on 100-plus year old mining laws that don't mesh with modern realities. Yet, these same laws are used in a thinly veiled attempt to protect contractors, sand and gravel and mining.
Recently the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Department of Natural Resources gave the gravel pit industry a free hall pass to steal all the water they want in a river basin that is closed. The rest of we ordinary citizens can't do more than a 35 gallon per minute well and yet, these industries, who donate heavily yo political campaigns and lobby heavily, are allowed to skirt the law based on antiquated laws.
My point is that Montana is so far out-to-lunch in reforming its laws that it lags most of the nation by 50 to 100 years.
Look into Rex Tilerson and Lee Raymond of Exxon fame. They are all of the same ilk and all disgusting and sociopathic. They don't even realize the damage they do.