Unfortunately, tobacco companies need to keep selling their products and finding new markets to replace defunct ones (people who can actually quit!) is necessary in order to survive in our capitalistic system. That's how it works. Sorry to be cynical but if this is the system we want then we have to learn to live with it.
I am embarrassed to admit I also thought light cigarettes are safer. I guess smokers convince themselves smoking them will cause less damage...
The tobacco companies always find ways to bypass the law in order to sell more of their poison. Raising the cost of cigarettes was the smartest thing to do until now. In Thailand they put images of smokers with cancer but still - nothing helps. People are immune to this kind of frightening messages.
Entitled "errors of material fact" the above comment nevertheless provides absolutely no facts itself. Instead it offers a host of misleading assertions uncorroborated by links to reliable sources.
No number of such cynical PR-type damage-control obfuscations will alter the tragic reality: gratuitous civilian deaths resulting from an unprovoked military attack by armed commandos on peaceful cargo and passenger vessels in international waters.
Unfortunately, tobacco companies need to keep selling their products and finding new markets to replace defunct ones (people who can actually quit!) is necessary in order to survive in our capitalistic system. That's how it works. Sorry to be cynical but if this is the system we want then we have to learn to live with it.
I am embarrassed to admit I also thought light cigarettes are safer. I guess smokers convince themselves smoking them will cause less damage...
The tobacco companies always find ways to bypass the law in order to sell more of their poison. Raising the cost of cigarettes was the smartest thing to do until now. In Thailand they put images of smokers with cancer but still - nothing helps. People are immune to this kind of frightening messages.