Recent comments

  • Reply to: What Have They Been Smoking?   14 years 8 months ago
    We are looking always to blame something or somebody. First I am not agree with tobacco companies, worst when they add something so people are more addictive and they get more money. So why people does not quit smoking knowing that is bad for them?, well the same for people who drink, abuse drugs legals or not, drink two or more red bulls per day. There are two issues involve here, one is physical and the other is emotional. But, for me low self esteem plays and important role because we are not taking responsibility for our life. Any addiction is to look for something to avoid reality and not feeling our emotions.
  • Reply to: Derivatives Reform Suffers Midnight Mangling   14 years 8 months ago
    Big business wins again.
  • Reply to: "Toning Shoes" or Phony Shoes?   14 years 8 months ago

    I got a pair of these some time ago, and i cant say i have used them all that much, but they did hurt my feet, and i didnt really see the point.

    I dont know why people cant just run or walk normally, there are so many thousands of cardio exersises and workouts that one can do, that its not worth it to invest in a pair of shoes like this.

    Just my thoughts!

  • Reply to: "Change" President Not Pressing for Change   14 years 8 months ago

    Disasters like the Gulf spill can't ever happen again. I think if we would focus more on drilling on land versus in the ocean, it would be much easier to deal with. An oil gusher on land can be contained much easier than in the ocean.

  • Reply to: Workers Left Behind at the World Cup   14 years 8 months ago
    Why don't you supply the specifics? This might just be my imagination, but the vague characterization of "factual thinness" coupled with the suggestion that the writer do the work you should do to support your challenge, suggest a PR person looking for some easy billings.
