Monsanto has shut down organic farmers for having these cross-pollinated hybrids amongst their crops. Shut them down, bough their land. you dont understand the threat, it isnt just about a couple of infected plants. Its about Monsanto shutting down organic farmers in general... wake up people!!
Great job, Lisa, on the AFP conventions and who attended them! Jawdropping. This needs to be publicized. Maybe someone at prwatch could email this article to Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, and Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC? And radio personalities like Thom Hartman? And Free Speech TV?
Keep up the good work.
Monsanto has shut down organic farmers for having these cross-pollinated hybrids amongst their crops. Shut them down, bough their land. you dont understand the threat, it isnt just about a couple of infected plants. Its about Monsanto shutting down organic farmers in general... wake up people!!