The concept of protecting federal employee whistleblowers is very popular, but the S. 372 bill that died in the Senate was a hoax. There was tremendous debate and controversy about the weak Senate bill in the whistleblower community. S. 372 was a weak cousin to the stronger House bills on the same subject. The Senate bill that was killed was gutted and contained provisions that would have made it more difficult to blow the whistle than under current law. This campaign over the secret hold presumes the bill that died was a good one. However, S. 372 was actually harmful and would not have accomplished what its supporters claimed. Instead of building public support for a stronger bill the supporters of S. 372 have wasted 3 months searching for the Senator who put the secret hold on a bill that would not have done much to strengthen whistleblower protections for federal works. This public relations campaign spear headed by GAP is by design to lay the ground work to re-introduce the same ineffective and weak legislation as S. 372. Unfortunately, the end result will actually harm whistleblowers, if it is enacted.
In November 2006 the Australian Complaints Resolution Panel determined that promotional statements about Tebonin made in print media and the internet breached the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code. Schwabe Pharma Australia was requested to withdraw the advertisements from further publication and not use similar representations in the future.
See also:
Dowden J. Injunction impedes independent information Aust Prescr 2006; 29: 120.
Harvey K. Injunction impedes independent information (letter). Aust Prescr 2007; 30: 33.
I just posted an angry email to the company. I'm refusing to purchase any products from supporters of the anti-worker forces in Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio.
"The World According To Monsanto" check it out!
The concept of protecting federal employee whistleblowers is very popular, but the S. 372 bill that died in the Senate was a hoax. There was tremendous debate and controversy about the weak Senate bill in the whistleblower community. S. 372 was a weak cousin to the stronger House bills on the same subject. The Senate bill that was killed was gutted and contained provisions that would have made it more difficult to blow the whistle than under current law. This campaign over the secret hold presumes the bill that died was a good one. However, S. 372 was actually harmful and would not have accomplished what its supporters claimed. Instead of building public support for a stronger bill the supporters of S. 372 have wasted 3 months searching for the Senator who put the secret hold on a bill that would not have done much to strengthen whistleblower protections for federal works. This public relations campaign spear headed by GAP is by design to lay the ground work to re-introduce the same ineffective and weak legislation as S. 372. Unfortunately, the end result will actually harm whistleblowers, if it is enacted.