Well... Googling "Veronica Johnson advertising" came up with this linked in entry http://www.linkedin.com/pub/veronica-johnson/4/94b/1b4 Buying advertising would seem to be her specialty.
Every time a bill comes up that requires transparency in campaign ad funding, the Republicans, whether in the states, or federally, kill the bill. The conservative-majority on the Supreme Court did the same thing. What are the Republicans afraid of? Why do they want their funding sources to remain a secret? Why are they against public funding of elections so all candidates get the same amount to spend? How can decent conservatives support these actions when it makes them all look like crooks? Why isn't there a huge outrage and a demand that this be stopped?
Some finally summarized this nicely, and without a righty or lefty ugly spin.
At best this administration has demonstrated that they have no idea how this all works, and at worst one wonders if they actually know what they are doing and have chosen not to be forthright with the Wisconsin people until it is too late.
Surely I am not the only one who feels like the goal was to push this all through as fast as possible to veil the contents and effects of the BR bill. Only after passage would the unsuspecting constituients find out how devastating it was going to be to so many.
Economic hardship is everywhere in our world today. Everyone understands the need to roll back the spending, and no one likes it -big surprise. The true leader would be sensitive to his constituients and at least attempt some conversation.
But Mr Walker seems incapable of anything but strong arm "tactics", tough worded missives, lockdowns, and indifference to our rules and laws of the state he is supposedly working so hard for.