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  • Reply to: Group Called "Citizens for a Strong America" Operates out of a UPS Mail Drop but Runs Expensive Ads in Supreme Court Race?   13 years 11 months ago
    Maybe I'm looking too much into things here, but I found this interesting: If you go to the "Contribute" link for Citizens for a Strong America (, there's a brief mention of WCFG ("Also, please consult your tax counselor accountant to determine whether your donation to WCFG should be included in your federal or state lobbying disclosure reports."). After scouring the rest of the CSA site, I found no other references to WCFG, so I assumed this was either a slip-up or something only a contributor would be "in the know" about, but it only made me more curious. A brief Google search returned what I assume is the WCFG in question, namely Wisconsin Club for Growth, and there was also a pretty interesting blog that came up on my search ( Specifically, this blogger appears to have uncovered some names behind the entities involved, as well as gotten his hands on tax forms filed over the last few years. Finally, WCFG is tied to Citizens for Responsible Government (CRG)...all these abbreviations and "citizen" groups are hard to keep straight, so I'll leave it at that. Again, maybe I'm looking for something that isn't there, but hopefully your talented investigators, if they see anything worthwhile here, can uncover some real dirt.
  • Reply to: Is Your Underwear Undermining Your Values? What Is Jockey's CEO Doing at a Tea Partiers' Convention and with David Koch?   13 years 11 months ago
    Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!! Looking at Waller hurts as much as the underwear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Reply to: Group Called "Citizens for a Strong America" Operates out of a UPS Mail Drop but Runs Expensive Ads in Supreme Court Race?   13 years 11 months ago
    The whole back door dealings between the Democrats and the unions is finally coming out into the light of day. Thy hypocrites have been in the back pockets of labor unions for decades, and you want transparency? But you only want it for the conservatives. There is a huge outcry and demand that this be stopped, but the liberals actions just continue to make them look like crooks. If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen baby. When will be get the whole voter ID bill passed, how much more transparent could we get than to ask everyone that votes to prove they are a citizen and their identity? But the liberals would rather continue their unethical activities be kept in the dark. If the laws are not applied across the board for everyone, there is no rule of law. Don't peek into the conservatives windows while shutting your eyes to the liberals wide-open doors. WE DEMAND THAT THIS BE STOPPED!
  • Reply to: Group Called "Citizens for a Strong America" Operates out of a UPS Mail Drop but Runs Expensive Ads in Supreme Court Race?   13 years 11 months ago
    Hi, Transparency, You asked, "Why do they want their founding sources to remain a secret?" We all know the answer to this. If their sources were revealed we would all know whose agenda is being furthered and it would not be the agenda of a free people. It would not be the agenda of the majority of Americans who are not in the 1% of the wealthiest in this country. It would not even be the agenda of many who are in the 1% of the wealthiest, but who are still loyal to this country and its founding values of Democracy and Human rights. I believe what people need to understand is that it is a small but financially very powerful group with no allegiance to this country or to human beings in general or human rights. Their allegiance is strickly to the greed that fuels their inhuman souls. They will continue their slimy underhanded and detestable ways until we, the people understand one simple principle. We still have abundant power!! As long as we never ever give up. Here is how to quite simply and easily counter their deceptive and disgusting ad compaigns. Look carefully for their signature on all politcal ads. Their very obvious signature will be this: the lack of the following statement (or one like it) - This ad was paid for by --------(whomever) along with valid contact information (a real physical address and phone number which willl allow one to actually talk to a real human representative of the organiaztion.} Also, if the organiztion has some very vague name - big red flag!! If they are not willing to openly and honestly display this information, then they are hiding the truth from you. Why would anyone want to believe ads that are being produced in total darkness by individuals unwilling to shine the light on who they truly are as well as the agendas they promote? We, the people need to make it clear to our politicians that if they have campaign adds out there that do not clearly state who is actually funding the ads (that is the organization names are vague and there is no way to follow up on the money behind the funding) then we are not going to believe those adds or in any way take them serious! If you think anything in this post is relevant and helpful, feel free to share with others. We in this country are not, as those like the Koch brothers must believe, unthinking sheep who can be herded in any direction they wish us to go. We, the American people, still have the right to decide - indeed to make and remake our government - as long as we remember that, we have the power !!
  • Reply to: Group Called "Citizens for a Strong America" Operates out of a UPS Mail Drop but Runs Expensive Ads in Supreme Court Race?   13 years 11 months ago
    There is one Veronica Johnson here in Beaver Dam, and I think she just turned 16.
