Might they be worth checking into, in Beaver Dam? At least she's not a cat, but people do all sorts of things in the name of their kids, partly as decoy, or partly as honoring, or whatever. I recommend you spread out your search a bit, just to be sure. Probably wouldn't take long, although the Veronica Johnson advertising seems like potentially better lead.
Thanks for all your great work!
According to GAP, the new Whistleblower Protection Act that will be introduced in the 112th Congress will be stronger than the weaker bill that was killed last year. GAP also discusses the difficult history of attempting to pass a strong enough whistleblower protection bill, and says,
"As with any significant reform that must survive a political gauntlet, there have been painful compromises and areas where needed reforms were put off (i.e., making permanent the stimulus law’s anti-retaliation rights for contractor whistleblowers). Overall, however, the legislation is remarkably intact for a reform that has survived a 12 year political gauntlet, including negotiations to lift five secret holds."
You can read more of their analysis of the upcoming legislation here:
WCFG's website is registered by Darren Caywood, of Midnet Media of Minster, OH (http://www.midnetmedia.com/our-story/meet-the-team). Caywood is also the registrant of the website DoyleForSale.com, which appears never to have been used, but redirected to the website for, wait for it, CFAF. Caywood is also linked to the Ohio Republican Party (http://www.spoke.com/info/c3pG3Or/OhioRepublicanParty).
R.J. Johnson was also spokesman for Coalition for America's Families, a group which was investigated for running false ads during the Gableman/Butler race. CFAF ran out of a mysterious PO Box in Madison. Sound familiar? Steve Kind, listed as chairman of CFAF, is the WIGOP bigwig, but perhaps most interesting, he is on the board of advisors of the WI chapter of Americans for Prosperity (http://www.fightbackwisconsin.com/index.php?PageID=55).
OK, assuming the astute observation above about the overlooked Club for Growth link is correct, perhaps there is a connection with (former?) CFG spokesman R.J. Johnson (https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=R.J._Johnson).
Johnson's wife's name is Valerie Johnson. The couple lives in Randolph, WI -- a short drive from Beaver Dam (http://bit.ly/rj-johnsons-PObox).
According to GAP, the new Whistleblower Protection Act that will be introduced in the 112th Congress will be stronger than the weaker bill that was killed last year. GAP also discusses the difficult history of attempting to pass a strong enough whistleblower protection bill, and says,
"As with any significant reform that must survive a political gauntlet, there have been painful compromises and areas where needed reforms were put off (i.e., making permanent the stimulus law’s anti-retaliation rights for contractor whistleblowers). Overall, however, the legislation is remarkably intact for a reform that has survived a 12 year political gauntlet, including negotiations to lift five secret holds."
You can read more of their analysis of the upcoming legislation here: