Recent comments

  • Reply to: TODAY: Call the White House and Demand PATRIOT Act Reform!   13 years 11 months ago
    GTFOH!! If anyone was serious about getting this law reformed where are the calls to members of congress and the senate. You can call the President all day if you want but how is that going to tranlate into the law makers changing this....ITS NOT! But then again maybe that is the plan. make it seem like there is a movement but do nothing that will actualy make a change furethuring the "Obama lied to us" movement....
  • Reply to: Group Called "Citizens for a Strong America" Operates out of a UPS Mail Drop but Runs Expensive Ads in Supreme Court Race?   13 years 11 months ago
    This is ridiculous. I understand and appreciate that they are fighting to do what is right but this unidentified group lists no information about its leaders, employees, or funders on its website, People have to be able to know where their money is going and not get scammed by such people posing to be "doing the right thing". Now I don't want to jump to conclusions being that they have filed for an IRS number for its non-profit status under Section 501(c)(4) of the tax code, which may be still in process since they're relatively new. But we need to know who these people are a.s.a.p or else there should be a stop to their money laundering.
  • Reply to: Group Called "Citizens for a Strong America" Operates out of a UPS Mail Drop but Runs Expensive Ads in Supreme Court Race?   13 years 11 months ago
    They won't even try. If they respond at all they'll just yell louder what they're already yelling, and unsupported claims make you look no better. No gain at all from that.
  • Reply to: Group Called "Citizens for a Strong America" Operates out of a UPS Mail Drop but Runs Expensive Ads in Supreme Court Race?   13 years 11 months ago
    It figures no would would reply to this previous post. Hey, I know--let's just pretend that no one posted a small modicum of truth in the middle of the string of B.S. on this page. Here's reality folks, FACE IT...Unions force costs to go up while productivity and quality decline. FACT: When I began one of my first jobs after high school at a local, unionized manufacturing facility in Washington County, WI, the union guys I worked with told me (me, a kid who got mediocre grades in school, who didn't know jack, and who definitely didn't know much about hard work or work ethic yet) to SLOW DOWN BECAUSE I WAS MAKING THEM LOOK BAD. Folks, that was not an isolated incident, that was the very essence and nature of today's labor unions. FACT: A few years ago an acquaintence who had worked for years at a "very well-known local, unionized, motorcycle manufacturing company" (you figure out which company that was) complained to me that he might have to start paying some of his own health care benefits (at the time he paid NONE). In the very next breath he explained to me in detail how in his normal job duties he ran a single machining center where he pushed a start button and then sat down and read magazines and newspapers while he waited 30-45 minutes for the cycle to complete. And when "those evil anti-union managers" told him he had to run an additional, similar machining center simultaneously, he sabatoged one of the machines to teach them a lesson about who called the shots and who was in charge. If you don't have union experience yourself and you think this stuff is atypical, better do your homework. And if you are in the union, then you know damn well that these incidents are neither atypical nor uncommon. Furthermore, and more to the present point: Unions intimidate, unions force their edicts and way of life on those who want nothing to do with it and want only to be left alone, they do it with dishonest dealings, and they do it with physical intimidation to the life and limb of others (up to, and including, murder--as we've seen in Wisconsin...remember the anti-union paper mill worker some years back mysteriously found in a vat of paper pulp?). The Union believes in NOTHING sacred or particularly virtuous--they believe in building up their own power and their own pocketbooks regardless of right and wrong, regardless of moral obligation, regardless of the laws of the land, and usually in direct contradiction to those things. Union rights? That's the most laughable crock of sh!t. It's ORGANIZED CRIME. It's the modern iteration of the mafia. And every one of you that continues to lull yourself to sleep at night feeling like you've done something profound and revolutionary and that you're justified in defending your "Union rights" has been sorely mislead. You are personally and individually contributing in your own small way to the undermining of this great nation and you are dooming it to the same fate that numerous fallen (and apparently FORGOTTEN) nations have become victim to throughout history. When government claims and exercises the power to take money from one group and give it to another--NO MATTER HOW NOBLE THEIR CLAIMED PURPOSES ARE--then that people is ripe for destruction. And when you support and build up such a government, well...good luck with that Liberals and Socialists. Your principles have failed over, and over, and over throughout the history of the world. How can you possibly believe they will work "this time"?
  • Reply to: Group Called "Citizens for a Strong America" Operates out of a UPS Mail Drop but Runs Expensive Ads in Supreme Court Race?   13 years 11 months ago
    These Houston Texas billionaires are no different than the Taylor Machine in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." Repugnant human beings with their hands on the wheel of our once great, neighborly state with values aimed at looking out for one another. Now, we are known as the State owned by the Koch's, and sadly, this is living proof. This college kid trying to hide from the light with a million dollar budget for a judge to win office. And what import has this? He is the judge that will decide on the union bill. And what is the ONE ISSUE THAT STANDS IN THE WAY OF THE PUBLIC UTILITY GIVEAWAY - COLLECTIVE BARGAINING RIGHTS. What a disgusting day for Wisconsin.
