For common good? In a rare case of voluntary customer protection in the financial industry, Citi declared that it will change the way it clears checks in order to minimize overdraft protection charges. Financial reform restricts banks from providing over-limit protection for debit cards unless customers opt in, but the rules do not apply to checking accounts. Citi is checking itself from charging repeat over-limit fees simply by letting smaller checks clear before a larger one sends the account into negative territory. I read this here: <a title="Check clearing change at Citi to limit overdraft charges" href="">Citi to give customers a break by clearing smallest checks first</a>
There has to be a movement to recover damages from bankers. At least to the U.S. treasury. They should foot the entire stimulus package bill. It is preposterous that taxpayers are on the hook for what bankers did to the economy. It wasn' t my fault, I didn't buy a house I couldn't afford or put the economy at risk with a ton of subprime loans or the magnify the risk of default in scores of other financial instruments. I think a class action suit is in order. could have replaced all the "Linda Greens" signing those gazillions of foreclosures and given them the same handwriting. Still might, for that matter.
I understand your ire. The Patriot Act reauthorization process has been a great disappointment to so many of us who care about the essential reforms. Faced with weak congressional determination, some of our allies supporting crucial improvements to better protect individual rights determined that the only option left at this point is to ask the president to use his power to insist on key changes that he previously supported. While there is little if no chance he would veto the bill, the calls are intended to buck him up to request changes to the bill or to use his discretion administratively to help achieve them. There is no nefarious motive on the part of progressive and rights-focused groups to embarrass him; rather there is a desire to hold him to account like any president and urge him not to follow George W. Bush's course of action here as with other areas, unfortunately. Thank you for writing in about this. It is a difficult issue because the last administration was so recalcitrant on these issues and despite many hopes for crucial improvements in civil liberties connected to these expansive powers these have not been forthcoming in over two years now. So, for many of us the question is if not now, when? Thank you for considering this point of view. Lisa
Forget GMO's. They should be called what they are WMD's. could have replaced all the "Linda Greens" signing those gazillions of foreclosures and given them the same handwriting. Still might, for that matter.