The article says (1) that Walker and Ryan are both Wisconsin politicians, and (2) the same time Walker is doing one thing, Ryan is doing another. That's the extent to which the article ties them together.
You wouldn't have to be delusional to think you're getting screwed by both of them, though, whether apart or in collusion.
As I was watching this tonight, I realized how important nepotism is to the Koch brothers and their lackeys. In fact, it shows me why they're fighting so hard to cement their family's stranglehold on America's wealth. If you look at the last two generations, there's not a lot to indicate that they're business savvy. So, if you're too incompetent to actually succeed, then you need to work extra hard to rig the system, right? Kudos, Koch brothers. You're too stupid to succeed, but you're just smart enough to realize how incompetent you are.
...there must be some mechanical equivalent of writer's cramp.
...Looks like it could have an application with the big banks as an industrial-strength robo-signer (that doesn't take a lunch break!)