Thank you for the article, it was quite educating.
The insurance companies are also quite upset in Vermont where the legislature is slowly getting bills passed that will pave the way for single-payer/universal healthcare.
Universal healthcare started with one province in Canada and spread to the others. Here in the United States it can start with one small state and a big group of hard-working people, then spread to other states. Vermont has done it with civil unions, so chances are, we'll do it again.
I am a member of the Healthcare is a Human Right Campaign of the Vermont Workers' Center that is part of these efforts. Through our struggles and determination, we'll start the ball rolling. It may prove to be a long and hard fight, but maybe that will lessen the burden for others in the future. We must do this so that future generations of Vermonters and Americans will never have to know the kinds of health struggles that we are facing right now at the hands of greedy corporations.
Have you lost touch with reality? This article does not begin to cover the real world conditions that the Joint Finance Committee had to work in.
First. the committe knew that State Fair Park would be packed with a disproportionate number of union, lefty Dems, that would skew the opinions to the far left side, and drowned out any opposing views. Free speech only applies to the left I guess.
Second. I am not rich. I am a taxpayer in this state. I make less than the average union public school teacher. I fund 100% of my retirement. I pay 30% of the cost of my health insurance,plus deductables and co pays.
I live in a state where my property taxes, state income taxes, gas taxes,and endless fees,are taking a huge bite out of my income. After all of that, I still have to pay for all the expenses every other resident has to pay for. Mortgage, food, car, gas, insurances, and more... MY WALLET IS DAMN NEAR EMPTY!!!!!!!!
There is no more for these spoiled, unappreciative, under worked, and overpaid, union brats.
Third. If my property taxes go to get any students out of the Milwaukee Public School System, and takes that funding with them, great, I am all for it. M.P.S. in particular, and the whole public school system in general need to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up. It is not just broken, it is almost totally disfunctional.
Fourth. Under the previous govenor, no hard budget decisions were made. Doyle robbed all the segragated funds he could get his hands on. Leaving Govenor Walker with the mess that we are currently in. Fortunately, the adults are now in charge. The children no longer are making the big decisions. They are throwing a collective temper tantrum, but will eventually get over it.
Fifth. Elections have meaning. To the Conservatives I say WE WON. ACT LIKE IT. To the Liberals, YOU LOST. GET OVER IT. If you don't like us in charge, vote us out next time. But do it without using our own tax money against us. Money taken in as taxes, paid to the union in dues, and given to Liberals to run for office. Liberals that we conservatives oppose. You have no right to take my hard earned money, and give it to those whom I oppose.
Thank you for this opportunity to express my views. I would never have been able to express them at a public hearing, for fear of the union response.
Concerned Tax Payer
A reduction in force should not equal a reduction in quality. If that is the case then the workforce should be replaced. Interesting that college students think raising taxes on other people or corporations is the answer to the problem. The issue is we spend too much. I wonder why I wasn't polled, maybe because I support the reduction in benefits and pension, not the unions. Announcement for public employee union members: The taxpayers have had it with your out of line benefits and pensions. You're cut off. Get your benefits, pay and pensions in line with the private sector and then we'll talk. Want to bet John aspray didn't even read the <a href=""><b>Wisconsin</b></a> bill??
We have free Energy. The fact that this is so means that TPTB have known about Free Energy for a long time, but instead of themselves releasing knowledge and use of it to people they instead use it against us in covert weapons! And they will continue with their illegal wars for oil murdering millions of civilians, and contaminating the whole planet!!!
read to the end. It's fairly short and addresses your query.