Recent comments

  • Reply to: WI Attorney General Seeks Appeal of Decision Halting Union-Busting Bill   13 years 11 months ago
    Or, on second thought, maybe he knows better: <blockquote>Despite Walker's faith in the conduct of fellow Wisconsin Republicans, his legal team is not contending that GOP legislators followed the law, but only that violations of that law be enforced more leniently. In its petition to the Supreme Court, not once does Walker's Administration argue that Republican legislators acted lawfully."</blockquote>
  • Reply to: Weapons of Mass Deception   13 years 11 months ago

    Looking back on this, it made me realize how Bush would go about doing things. Hiding things from the public etc.
    The problems that were caused back then are now creating negative ripples even today.
    Glad he's out of power.

    John Day
    Survivalist and Instructor
    of gelert horizon 8

  • Reply to: Big Banks to Try Putting on Lipstick   13 years 11 months ago

    Thank you for sharing this valuable information. My question to you..."What about those individuals/families that can't afford a lawyer. What options do you see for them?"

    While I appreciate your helping us, I do have to point out that you are not commenting on the issue raised, but instead, are advertising your services (the services of a lawyer). Are you a lobbyist for the BAR association or the banking industry?

    The article is alerting us to the coming PR circus that will soon go viral. Please keep your comments on topic and your advertising/pr to conventional outlets.

  • Reply to: Koch-Fueled Controversy Lands in Washington   13 years 11 months ago
    This is a reminder of the cold-blooded greed that permeates the stock markets and the corporate board rooms. They are rewarded by politicians for crimes against the people/workers/voters. We must not forget that most politicians are/were business executives and that they are looking out for their own futures. We have to remember that so many politicians leave office and become lobbyists or high officials in huge corporations. Of course they are going to be tempted to get in bed with the likes of the Koch brothers. Until we first dissolve the lobbying industry, then regulate campaign finance and other financial contributions to government (in fact, we should eliminate financial contributions to government altogether), install policies regulating the bonuses of corporate executives, and finally, install REAL penalties for corporate crime, this will continue to haunt us. Until we do these things, corporations will continue to abuse our government, abuse our financial institutions and abuse us.
  • Reply to: Conservative Media Bias   13 years 11 months ago

    WOOT! Thats what im talking about, this is just an organization whos JOB is for telling people slanted viewpionts. Go to FOX for the real deal!
