Wis Stat 19.84(3):
"Public notice of every meeting of a governmental body shall be given at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of such meeting unless for good cause such notice is impossible or impractical, in which case shorter notice may be given, but in no case may the notice be provided less than 2 hours in advance of the meeting."
(it is undisputed that less than two hours notice was given for the meeting and vote)
Wis Stat 19.87 Legislative meetings.
"This subchapter shall apply to all meetings of the senate and assembly and the committees, sub- committees and other subunits thereof."
There are four exceptions to 19.87, including part (2):
"No provision of this subchapter which conflicts with a rule of the senate or assembly or joint rule of the legislature shall apply to a meeting conducted in compliance with such rule."
The argument you want to make is not that Open Meetings laws do not apply to Special Sessions, but that legislative rules conflict with 19.84(4). The Senate and Assembly each have a rule that says:
"notice of a committee meeting is not required other than posting on the legislative bulletin board, and a bulletin of committee hearings may not be published."
Joint Rule 84(2) seems to incorporate these Senate and House rules and make them applicable to the Joint Committee.
These legislative rules state that the only notice necessary is posting on the bulletin board. Note that there is no time frame in the rule, and arguably has more to do with the "form" of notice rather than its timing (clarifying, for example, that meetings do not need to be noticed via publication in the state newspaper or on a website).
Certainly, 19.87(2) appears to give the legislature power to enact legislative rules that override the 24 hour (or 2 hour) notice required in Open Meetings laws. However, it is usually necessary for the legislature to be explicit if they are going to override a duly enacted statute-- for example, the rule could say "no advance notice is necessary" or "only one hour notice is required."
Here, the legislative rule does not include any language referring to the timing of the notice, making it difficult to argue it conflicts with (and overrides) the Open Meetings law.
And as Mutternich noted, Walker's legal team is arguing that violations of the Open Meetings law should not be punished by enjoining further implementation. They are not arguing that legislators followed the law.
Dude, you are just like Glenn Beck. Except you are a leftist extremist. And you don't have any facts to back up your ridiculous accusations. Otherwise, just the same.
Yes, please stick to the facts without the personal comments. Actually any post that I read with the much overused "wake up, people" comment in it immediately loses its value in my mind. I really dislike being told to wake up when I am very much as aware of what is going on as most of the others who are concerned here.
There is a law firm in Mesa, Arizona known as Morgan & Maxwell. They are classified by an Executive Order by the CIA. They run drugs and launder money through over 600 Home Owners Associations in AZ. They are being sued for their many criminal acts. They are also foreclosing on peoples homes and buying them very cheap under fake names, such as Action Aquisitions. Many of these homes are now owned by Deutsche Bank, a known CIA, BUSH CRIME FAMILY Money outfit. Mr. Charles Maxwell, is LDS Mormon, as is the other people? in his law firm. Not surprising, the us intell agencies recruit heavily in the Mormon Church.
This is important that the public knows this, that a CIA supported NAZI bank is taking over our homes!!!!!
Can you cite which part of the Open Meetings Law was violated?
This is what Judge Sumi is using to block this law. It does not take a legal scholar to read, and understand, the rules in question.
As previously stated, the rules on meeting notifications apply to regular sessions of the legislature. The rule that applys to legislative special sessions only require a posting on the legislative bulletin boards. Again, this rule was written by Democrats.
You are choking on that one, aren't you.
The Repulicans did this. The law was followed.
It is not the Republicans fault that the runaway Democrats were not there to represent there districts. Maybe next year at this time, some of them won't be.
Nor is it the Republicans fault that the rules were written the way they were.(by Dems.)
What Judge Sumi did was to make up a delay to allow the Democrats and Unions to find a way to cover the fact that they got out flanked and out smarted by the Republicans. She created her own law to get the result she wanted.
The ruling will not stand.
Govenor Walker's legal team does not have to contend anything. It is up to the Democrats and Unions(same thing) to make thier case.
Which, based on the law, they cannot do. Also, if you can only quote PR Watch articles to support your case, you need to read more widley.
Govenor Walker, The middle class tax payers of this state stand with you!
Concerned Tax Payer
Yes, please stick to the facts without the personal comments. Actually any post that I read with the much overused "wake up, people" comment in it immediately loses its value in my mind. I really dislike being told to wake up when I am very much as aware of what is going on as most of the others who are concerned here.
There is a law firm in Mesa, Arizona known as Morgan & Maxwell. They are classified by an Executive Order by the CIA. They run drugs and launder money through over 600 Home Owners Associations in AZ. They are being sued for their many criminal acts. They are also foreclosing on peoples homes and buying them very cheap under fake names, such as Action Aquisitions. Many of these homes are now owned by Deutsche Bank, a known CIA, BUSH CRIME FAMILY Money outfit. Mr. Charles Maxwell, is LDS Mormon, as is the other people? in his law firm. Not surprising, the us intell agencies recruit heavily in the Mormon Church.
This is important that the public knows this, that a CIA supported NAZI bank is taking over our homes!!!!!