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  • Reply to: Koch-Fueled Controversy Lands in Washington   13 years 11 months ago
    It is a mistake to let Walker get away with saying he only got $43,000 from the Kochs. Through their many organizations including a PAC for Republican governors, Walker got more than $43,000 from the Koch brothers.
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 11 months ago

    That's simply not good enough. Asking for a quick contact to your member of congress in this situation is a weak reed under the circumstances and more like a c.y.a. move, in my opinion.

    Had the companies used their power to walk away from the table and escalate public awareness, along with a sustained and heightened campaign against the false "two choices" of the Monsanto lobbied USDA would have been a real response.

    What I think is sad is the number of people willing to be apologists for Whole Foods on this.

    But what is really sad is that GMO alfalfa is now going to be widely used.

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 11 months ago

    This article is wrong. Whole Foods, Stonyfield, and OV have not agreed to stop the mass commercialization of GE crops. They are funding legal action to stop GE alfalfa and sugar beets.
    With GE alfalfa, the USDA was either going to deregulate the crop witout restrictions or partially deregulate it with restrictions. WF, Stonyfield and OV supported the second option because that was the only choice they had. Word spread by a misleading blog from Organic Consumers Association that WF, Stonyfield, and OV "surrendered to Monsanto," which was totally untrue.
    Instead of using a circular firing squad to attack leading supporters of organic foods, we need to focus on fighting Monsanto and the biotech industry.
    Instead of protesting or boycotting Whole Foods why not protest the conventional supermarket giants like Safeway who don't care that GMOs are in 75% of their products.
    At least Whole Foods is doing something about GMOs by putting their own brand products through a non-GMO verification program, the Non-GMO Project.

  • Reply to: WI Attorney General Seeks Appeal of Decision Halting Union-Busting Bill   13 years 11 months ago
    I really only noted that you noted it. And if they're that confident the law wasn't violated, you'd think they'd have argued it.
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 11 months ago

    Whole Foods has been telling us about GMOs for years, they're even working on 3rd party verified labeling of non GMO conventional products. I got an email from them in january or february urging customers to contact their congress folks and the usda and say they opposed the GE alfalfa move. then the stupid OCA attacks them and organic valley and who ever else tried to stop the usda. and now counterpunch jumps on the same bandwagon? really sad folks. really sad.
