These corporations pay nothing in taxes because of the people put in office. Its the same thing as the poeple going to H&R Block and finding loopholes in filing their taxes so they can get more back just the corporations have lobbyists making these loopholes. It needs to stop at the representatives.
Sadly, you are deeply mistaken.
The idea that the country has no revenue problem with so many corporations escaping paying taxes is absurd.
The idea that the nation has to balance the budget on the backs of the poor and the elderly is especially repugnant.
And, it is utterly offensive to suggest that this is a crisis and yet fail to address the out of control military spending. For a libertarian view on the latter point, check out the following quick post:
Lisa Graves
Fuming does not describe the emotion that I am feeling! We can not allow this man (Rick Snyder) and this form of so-called government to take control. The real reason for this particular action was best described on the (Rachael Maddow + April 18 + Jean Clark Park). How MI "financial martial law" is being used to steal Benton Harbor's beach! Their local government has been dissolved! What is being stolen is not JUST a beachfront, buy a government by the PEOPLE! Greed is what is in control! We CAN NOT be complacent! Take notice as to what our governor is doing! We are allowing this to happen right under our noses! Take time to see what is really going on in Benton Harbor! Check it out! Whatever your political views are, I can not imagine that you can agree with what is happening. Pay attention! AND SPEAK UP!
Yes, I am paying attention. I am 65 and the first of the baby boomers. I am telling every other baby boomer I know that Mr. Ryan's plan is the only plan that will save our children's and our grandchildren's future and thus the future of this country.
=Just got back from a tax protest put on by This ass that runs my home state is unbelievable. If I know Michiganders they are fuming. This should be the shot that is heard around the world. People! This is for real put down your cell phones and video games and kick some civil disobedience sand in that big bully,s face!