Recent comments

  • Reply to: Fracking Insiders Score Big in New Gas Bill, But Americans Not Told the True Costs of Massive Drilling Plan   13 years 11 months ago
    Recent reports in the New York Times reveal the concerns of EPA scientists over the toxification/poisoning of valuable water resources and the inability of treatment plants to properly decontaminate water used in the fracking process. Once again the businesses involved fail to go the whole way in insuring no detrimental effects from their activities, just as the gas they wish to acquire is a finite resource, so too are the aquifers they rely on to help make their fortune. The absence of interest/responsibility in guaranteeing water used, is returned to the communities involved, unsullied and drinkable should be seen for what it is, a criminal act, worthy of full and proper legal/financial accountability. The immediate devastation of communities, environments and the carcass of an ecosystem left behind are the acts of unconscionable sociopaths, for the President, and these so called Business Leaders to follow this reckless path one can barely hide one's disgust.
  • Reply to: Sarah Palin: The Koch Brother’s Union Maid   13 years 11 months ago
    Don't these nitwit teabaggers realize they are making fools of themselves and guaranteeing their demise as an entity by having anything to do with this publicity-addicted twit? TGhey will be lucky to even be a footnote in history. True Republicans like Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Ike are rolling over in their graves. The true Republicans that are left and not seduced by the Koches and their kind are ashamed and revolted as the man with the sign on his windbreaker.
  • Reply to: Koch Brothers "Prank" No Laughing Matter   13 years 11 months ago
    1. Muckraking is what protects our nation, not "respectable" journalism. It has always been muckraking that revealed things that those in power would never tell us willingly. Be glad for the muckrakers. 2. Blogging is the future of journalism. Don't make any mistake -- nothing you, or anyone else can do will stop that. In that I agree with this poster 3. Governor Walker is trying to destroy not just collective bargaining but thousands of middle class families immediately - and many, many more over time. He deserves NO support and NO protection - from anyone of any party. Anyone who would support his extremism has completely left the political system on which this nation is based, whether or not they realize it yet. Regards, Reyn
  • Reply to: Martial Law Now a Reality in Michigan   13 years 11 months ago
    This is not democracy. Wake up America and fight back... start fighting in Benton Harbor to save this park. Our government was founded to be for the people, not the corporations and the mega rich. Thanks to Rachel Maddow for making this national news. Where are the other news stations on such an important story? Come on Americans - when this happens in your backyard how will you feel? Let's ban together to stop the insanity in Michigan.
  • Reply to: Are Seniors Paying Attention to Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan?   13 years 11 months ago
    PapaB, Did you not understand anything that Mr.Potter just wrote? It is selfishness of seniors like yourself that is one of the reasons our country is in the shape it is today. Anyone 55 or older will keep the same benefits they currently have. The future retirees 54 and under will have to pay 68 percent for their medicare benefits. I guess you think that is fair to the younger generation. I cannot believe you had the audacity to send that comment. What makes you think I want to pay 68 percent and you only pay 25 percent for your benefits? There are other ways the country can be save for the future generations like myself. Your future looks like it is saved, but mine looks pretty bleak in the health care area.
