As much as i am on the side of the unions and the people of wisconsin i hope this i a wake up call to voters. You guys elected republicans without really paying attention to what they were saying. Although they didn't come right out and say "we're going to bust unions" they DID talk about "big government" and you guys ate it up. Republicans villanized the government and you never questioned it. What did you expect from a party who called our president a monkey, a socialist etc. Did you expect them to play nice once they were elected? Most americans haven't a clue what's going on with our government. The other day on tv someone went out on the street and held up a picture of John Boehner - do you know that hardly anyone knew who he was. Boehner and the republicans have been all over the place yet most americans can't even tell you who he is. With all the hate and lies spewed by the republicans these past 2 years why would anyone take their word on anything.
What do you do with Walker when you have judges who are just as crooked? There has to be someone who oversees judges and conflicts of in point - clarence thomas serves on the supreme court yet his wife has taken thousands from the tea party, yet we hear very little outrage. Since republicans took the majority of the house the most outragous and crazy bills have been introduced. Republican goveners are making up the rules as they go along. Now canter says if the house votes on something twice they don't need senate approval??!! Huh!!?? Do republicans even understand how our system works? I don't think they do.
Your siding with the Koch brothers? Really? If i wanted my husband murdered and i spoke with who i thought was a hit man but was really a undercover cop who recorded everything, would you call the cop dirty? Your missing the big picture here - regardless if he was talking to daffy duck he THOUGHT he was talking to one of the koch brothers and did a nice job of kissing his ass and sucking up - and you defend walker, wow.
Is this even legal? Is anyone planning to file a lawsuit to stop this? People this could happen in a town near you!!!!! Republicans have lost their minds and Rick Snyder is the latest example of their insanity!!!! America it's time to take a stand!! We must not let this kind of authoritarian action stand!
Rachel Maddow had information about Benton Harbor on last night's show. The disparity between Benton Harbor and its "twin city" St. Joseph, is extreme. Benton Harbor is 92.4 percent African American with an annual median household income of just over $10,000. 42.6 percent of the population is below the poverty line.
St. Joseph, lying just south of Benton Harbor, is 90.3 percent white with an annual median household income of $37,032.
Plans to take over Benton Harbor's park and turn it into a luxury subdivision/golf course is also in the works. Visit [ here] to watch Maddow's show.