It takes years, if not decades, from the time someone is exposed to the disease until the first signs appear. After the first signs appear, the brain can deteriorate within a year Mad Cow Disease
I would think twice about that. Remember where Obama goes, nothing grows!
He roots for a team, they lose, he backs a candidate, they loose, Hell yeah, let Obama come to support our liberals.
This isnt a free market issue,public unions are tax funded.the Unions were the first to bus people in that dont live there,and are clearly the hypocrits here,and you sir are a moron!!
what was that saying the Bushits used to say to me about Bush admin stepping into our privacy? oh yeah: "If u arent doing anything wrong stop complaining". Funny, I told the same people that when the next Dem steps into office, they would be the ones most against it....and ofcourse it has happened. So part of me is horrified and the other part of me hopes the Obama admin abuses his power just as Bush did, but this time, the Repubs/Conserves/Tbaggers will hopefull suffer. whenever a Dem is in majority, all the white trash, conservative christian, militants dildos come out against them. i wish they would all just get to it and start going after the capital so I can see their bloody bodies when the US military defends itself against gun totting wackos and not just peaceful demonstrators which is what they do whenever their is a RNC and non-Repubs get jailed for no reason. noone on the "right" seemed to complain than.
I supported Republicans. I, too am now ashamed. I (for the first time ever that I can remember) did not vote for the Republican candidate for Governor because the hairs stood up on the back of my neck when i saw him speak. He is "not right"! To my conservative brethren: this is not the American way! Don't allow the divisive two-party career politician system steer you like cattle toward a pre-destined conclusion! Think independently and freely. There ARE solutions available that neither "party" bothers to explore! We are all being "played". Let's demand transparency and accountability - in a real way! Let's not accept tainted media to dictate our agendas and misinterpret our expectations!
It takes years, if not decades, from the time someone is exposed to the disease until the first signs appear. After the first signs appear, the brain can deteriorate within a year Mad Cow Disease