I think this board is the proper place to ask you about the activation proccess. My link is not working properly, do you know why it is happening? <a href="https://www.prwatch.org/?6b6ca2abd2ec31efde142e96af8">https://www.prwatch.org/?6b6ca2abd2ec31efde142e96af8</a>,
I debated about whether to title this "corporate" or "Nazi" States of America. After all, it's one and the same. If this were happening in my home state of Illinois, I would be ready to burn the state capitol building down, with the Republicans in it. If they tried to escape from the inferno, I would be only too happy to see someone shoot them as they stumbled through the smoke billowing out the windows and doors of the capitol.
This is treason against the people of Michigan! They don't need a recall, they need a lynching of this corporate Nazi!!!!!!!!!!!1
Right and after cross-pollinating, they then sue the organic farmers, essentially threatening them with bankruptcy-- or at least that is happening out here on the west coast with farmers out in Ventura. Their legal machine is terrifying.
It's good that we are getting reports on the Koch Brothers influence of the political system but the Koch Brothers influence is rather recent. However Haim Saban has been corrupting the political system with more effectiveness than the Koch Brothers.
Saban has made it clear that his only interest is Israel and to that end he has contributed mostly to the Democratic Party at levels that far exceeds the Koch Brother and even many corporations. Saban has also been a major contributors to the venerable Liberal think tank, the Brookings Institute which named an entire wing after him.
Why no scrutiny of Saban? His contributions and influence especially through Brookings has lead to the election of two of the last three presidents. It's time we take a close look that Zionism has on U.S. politics.
For all Monsanto's patent trolling, it's not the technology itself to blame, it's a misuse. As for India, I highly doubt its land can feed its population without GMO. So "organics" and anti-GMO fear is not a solution, fair law and open knowledge is. To fight Monsanto by opposing GMO itself is like fighting Microsoft by opposing computers. Luddism are not only useless, it in fact helps to hide the real cause.
Right and after cross-pollinating, they then sue the organic farmers, essentially threatening them with bankruptcy-- or at least that is happening out here on the west coast with farmers out in Ventura. Their legal machine is terrifying.
It seems you're a hypocrite.
For all Monsanto's patent trolling, it's not the technology itself to blame, it's a misuse. As for India, I highly doubt its land can feed its population without GMO. So "organics" and anti-GMO fear is not a solution, fair law and open knowledge is. To fight Monsanto by opposing GMO itself is like fighting Microsoft by opposing computers. Luddism are not only useless, it in fact helps to hide the real cause.