I am a 63 year old VietNam vet that fought for our right to vote...and I refuse to have anyone take it away from me. I went to lansing last week to protest and I ready to go again.
When it time to recall the nerd I will be more that willing to take recall pittions around. If anyone knows or has knowledge of these please feel free to contact me.
It's not the technology itself to blame, or even the misuse per se -- it's the corporation that misuses it that's to blame! And Monsanto has never given the slightest indication that it will ever quit misusing the technology to make serfs of farmers as long as it's allowed to. You don't have to be a Luddite to recognize that.
If you "highly doubt" that India can feed itself without GMOs, maybe it's because that's the line that Monsanto and others have be grinding out relentlessly for years and years.
The only problem with non-GMO foods, as Monsanto sees it, is that if farmers can keep on using seeds next year that they saved from this year, as they have since the origins of agriculture thousands of years ago, Monsanto can't make any money off them, and the gazillions they've "invested" in developing Frankenfoods will be lost. It's that simple.
And yes, I think opposing GMO foods is an excellent way to oppose Monsanto. We might not be able to do without computers, but we can do just fine with natural foods, thank you very much!
I, too, am turning 65 this year and just beginning the dizzying maze that is Medicare. Believe me, I'm paying attention. The Ryan (republican) plan scares me to death. And to talk with other seniors who buy into the GOP rhetoric without doing much in the way of research is also frightening.
Health care has needed reform for decades, but limiting it for those who need it most is NOT the answer.
PAY ATTENTION!! Or when it's your turn, you won't have any health care.
The health reform offered by the Democrats is on its way to helping. But scare tactics have convinced people that it's bad. We baby-boomers haven't settled for anything yet. Why start now? There are plenty of us -lets FIGHT BACK!!
OH NO!! This is so terrible for the world!! Monsanto is eating up every last bit of healthy all over the world. Canada farmers are overwhelmed. In India it's ruining farmers and land, water, and eating up every spice/herb and rice to either ruin competition or steal it and make a patent on it and then make even more $$ when it comes to the states. It must be so difficult for the real organic companies to hold the line against the abusive, aggressive big chemical/poison makers/distributors. I keep thinking of the movie classic "Soylent Green", how all that was left was soy beans and once the master plant had died the crackers were made out of people. The poison known as soy(bean) in any form is being pushed into virtually every product, and hawked as healthy (the crap ruins the health of the body). Then the BGH, which is SOOOO bad for the glandular system (of which 70% of the immune system is in the digestive system), that poison should be banned!!! And the antibiotics that are used on the animals and random tests done to give a false stamp on the end product that it is free from antibiotics... all manipulations and sleeping with the FDA is bad business. Shameless!! I will be saying prayers for all truly organic companies so they can survive without being ruined by the ugly, evil Monsanto, Cargil, etc.
It's not the technology itself to blame, or even the misuse per se -- it's the corporation that misuses it that's to blame! And Monsanto has never given the slightest indication that it will ever quit misusing the technology to make serfs of farmers as long as it's allowed to. You don't have to be a Luddite to recognize that.
If you "highly doubt" that India can feed itself without GMOs, maybe it's because that's the line that Monsanto and others have be grinding out relentlessly for years and years.
The only problem with non-GMO foods, as Monsanto sees it, is that if farmers can keep on using seeds next year that they saved from this year, as they have since the origins of agriculture thousands of years ago, Monsanto can't make any money off them, and the gazillions they've "invested" in developing Frankenfoods will be lost. It's that simple.
And yes, I think opposing GMO foods is an excellent way to oppose Monsanto. We might not be able to do without computers, but we can do just fine with natural foods, thank you very much!
OH NO!! This is so terrible for the world!! Monsanto is eating up every last bit of healthy all over the world. Canada farmers are overwhelmed. In India it's ruining farmers and land, water, and eating up every spice/herb and rice to either ruin competition or steal it and make a patent on it and then make even more $$ when it comes to the states. It must be so difficult for the real organic companies to hold the line against the abusive, aggressive big chemical/poison makers/distributors. I keep thinking of the movie classic "Soylent Green", how all that was left was soy beans and once the master plant had died the crackers were made out of people. The poison known as soy(bean) in any form is being pushed into virtually every product, and hawked as healthy (the crap ruins the health of the body). Then the BGH, which is SOOOO bad for the glandular system (of which 70% of the immune system is in the digestive system), that poison should be banned!!! And the antibiotics that are used on the animals and random tests done to give a false stamp on the end product that it is free from antibiotics... all manipulations and sleeping with the FDA is bad business. Shameless!! I will be saying prayers for all truly organic companies so they can survive without being ruined by the ugly, evil Monsanto, Cargil, etc.