Recent comments

  • Reply to: Walker Says Wisconsin's Broke, But the Facts Say Otherwise   13 years 10 months ago
    I think that the conclusions in this report are ones that could most likely be extended to every state in the Union that is currently having "revenue issues". When the tax codes have been waited so far in favor of the wealthiest it leads to the underlying infrastructure of the society deteriorating, class discrepancies increasing at accelerating rates and a move to making what were rather broad-based democracies to become very strained oligarchies. And such a recipe is not an enviable one (look at places such as Pakistan, Indonesia, etc. where there is a great deal of wealth concentrated in a few hands and where the bulk of the people live from day-to-day and hand-to-mouth). I am hoping that the events in Wisconsin prove to be a watershed in the current history of the US ... which will perhaps make countries such as Australia think again about following the current US lead too closely.
  • Reply to: Martial Law Now a Reality in Michigan   13 years 10 months ago
    Since states are the "incubators of democracy" for the federal governmentI think it's time for the president to declare financial martial law in Michigan and appoint a new "emergency manager" to replace our elected officials. Start with Synder and see how far we have to go from there.
  • Reply to: Fukushima and the Happy Talk About Nuclear Power   13 years 10 months ago
    If nuclear power is so safe, then how come EVERY homeowner's insurance policy SPECIFICALLY exclude any and all damages from nuclear and radiation accidents, including your cellphone handset replacement contracts? If you think the current liability limits on oil spill accidents is so stingy, thanks to the Dixon-Yates act of the mid-fifties, the limitation of liability for nuclear plant operators is even more ridiculous!
  • Reply to: Martial Law Now a Reality in Michigan   13 years 10 months ago
    "We the People" are the sovereign government on the federal, state and local levels. That means no government entity can void an uncontested election without proving in a court of law that the elected representative has committed malfeasance or a felony against the people. Michigan and Detroit citizens should take a lesson from Wisconsin. Peaceful, sustained protests work, and are guaranteed in the First Amendment!
  • Reply to: Utah Group Seeks to Recall Wisconsin Democratic Senators   13 years 10 months ago
    Sorry, but not in today's world. Welcome to AZ issues. Three different states have interfered with our States Rights. I don't get involved anymore because of the intrusive ways of GOVERNMENT and other COUNTRIES telling AZ what to do.
