In fact, this was the work of a collaboration between an activist group called US Uncut ( and the Yes Lab (Yes Men). US Uncut is a grassroots movement that aims at corporate tax evasion, arguing that if corporations didn't dodge their taxes, there would be no need for public spending cuts. Two-thirds of American corporations pay zero in taxes, according to a 2008 congressional report.
And GE *did* put out a statement, but unlike Dow's this one further distorted the truth. See here:
Sparing changes to Medicare to those over 55 is a brazen political act to keep the vote of present seniors for 2012, people already scared out of their wits by last summer's town meetings that intentionally used misinformation to create baseless fears about proposed medical insurance reforms— death squads, reduction of benefits, profiling, elimination of doctor choice. I saw the creep-show with my own eyes. Now, the idea is Medicare benefits will be slashed for their children and their grand-children, but not for them! Now that's a real win! The debt Paul Ryan wants to take off the backs of our children and grand-children will help because they'll be too sick to stand up when the savings arrive. The unfunded Medicare D prescription drug program was a similar senior vote buyer.
It's a very big 'medical problem' we're facing here, as a divisive, determined minority seeks to tear down FDR era reforms that allowed the rapid economic integration of all the forces of American industriousness, the 'miracle', that won World War II. Just try to imagine how much fun Karl Rove and the Koch Bros. cloning this virus. In a strong body, viruses can't withstand the healthy reaction of the immune system. So, let's take the headsets off our ears so we can hear the cackle of creeps, and flip our brains off 'pause' to 'active.' It takes a while to see what's just silly, and what's sick. I'm not laughing anymore.
I was in Kuwait , when the incubators were returned, under UN supervision. Is the story true or false, no one ever said the ambassador's daughter was not telling the truth. The incubators being rreturned at the border were videotaped by the Kuwait government. The truth, let me know.
I'll keep this short and sweet. Trying to fight this in court will never work. Politicians and judges are all in each other's pockets. The answer to this will not come from anything to do with "AMERICA". There is a point where the average citizen has to disregard what is or isn't against "the law", and do what is right. If you are a citizen of this poor town and you see one of the filthy rich devils that are causing this mess in your city. Simply let them know they are not welcome and need to leave. If they don't, simply grab their right arm, twist it behind their back and walk them to the edge of your city and then push them out of your city. If the government tries to escalate this any further after that, fight them with everything you have. Libya and Egypt have plenty of heroes now. America could use a few. I am as much for non-violence as anyone, but i have realized that ALL of these rich bastards are not giving up on a game they have been winning for a long time now, unless they get smacked in the mouth every now and then to remind them that nobody gives a shit about their continued prosperity.
In fact, this was the work of a collaboration between an activist group called US Uncut ( and the Yes Lab (Yes Men). US Uncut is a grassroots movement that aims at corporate tax evasion, arguing that if corporations didn't dodge their taxes, there would be no need for public spending cuts. Two-thirds of American corporations pay zero in taxes, according to a 2008 congressional report.
And GE *did* put out a statement, but unlike Dow's this one further distorted the truth. See here:
I was in Kuwait , when the incubators were returned, under UN supervision. Is the story true or false, no one ever said the ambassador's daughter was not telling the truth. The incubators being rreturned at the border were videotaped by the Kuwait government. The truth, let me know.