you are right, we should not idealize corporations. but until we realize our unity and abolish capital, it is good for us to know that there are several corporations which understand the value of life, of which whole foods is most definitely one. being such, i doubt that they would sell poisons - ever. we live in a world where corporations are currently favored and therefore, exist, but it is important to support those who are, at the very least, aimed in a similar direction to us.
Enough with romanticizing noise already. I'll keep my distance, and be thankful that this collective middle-finger to anyone within earshot who finds noise to be just what it is - unnecessary, unwanted and annoying, is coming nowhere near my neighborhood.
Most people grow out of their childish fascination with things that go "boom", "bang" or "rumble" when they graduate from toys to tools, but some don't, and must gather in groups to rationalize their annoying behavior.
I'll wait for the next gathering of grown-ups at the Capital, thank you.
As we are learning about the republican party, they cry to the Christians claiming they are one of them and as they put on the good talk they are turning out to be the beast themselves! The end times? we need to look at this with a very clear view...
Thanks to Mr. Potter for the best explanation of some of the Obama health care plan details that I have seen yet.
Problems with the Ryan Plan (now adopted by the House Republicans):
*No shared sacrifice. The tax rates on the wealthiest would fall from 35% to 25%.
*Dismantling Medicare, and replacing it with a risky and untested voucher system that is unlikely to provide needed care to seniors.
*Dismantling Medicaid, and replacing it with state block grants that may or may not offer adequate care.
*No mechanism for job creation (especially as tax reductions haven't done the job yet.)
*Creating additional brackets to increase taxes on the wealthiest (shared sacrifice).
*Adopting Medicare for all to reduce administrative overhead and contain costs. If this is not possible, allow the Obama reforms explained by Mr. Potter to go through.
*Examine the military budget for savings. I am not suggesting compromising national defense, but just finding reasonable savings in trillions of expenditures.
*Ending U.S. corporate tax breaks for overseas hiring and investment. At minimum, this would increase U.S. tax revenues. It also might bring investment in jobs, plants and equipment back to the U.S.
you are right, we should not idealize corporations. but until we realize our unity and abolish capital, it is good for us to know that there are several corporations which understand the value of life, of which whole foods is most definitely one. being such, i doubt that they would sell poisons - ever. we live in a world where corporations are currently favored and therefore, exist, but it is important to support those who are, at the very least, aimed in a similar direction to us.