This is yet again another example of how the all mighty dollar has more value than life. When will it end? Maybe when we are all dead from toxins. I wonder if the decision making executives are feeding their family natural or organic?
Our economy is driven by innovation and manufacturing. But whether we like it or not, a family thats broke or struggling to get by will cut corners. We will either buy a lesser product for a lesser price or not buy at all. Its NOT the family to blame, but its the way it is. And severely taxing imports only puts that product out of reach for that family, so dont go down that road. The idea is we have to be able to make a product that is in demand at a price that is reasonable.
Lets use the example of shoes. I have no doubt that American made footwear is better. But I too am struggling. One made in China costs $50, CHEAPEST US made is around $150. Thats not a negligible difference and impacts my ability to buy the FOOD and MEDS I need to survive. I have to buy the $50 item . Until we understand that middle class (and below) thinks that way, the problem will be perceived as class warfare, and the better-than-thou types will continue to blame consumers. So, we have to make that shoe in the US for at least close to China made prices. Can it be done? YES, but we are so union wage driven that the item that we can make will not even be close in price. I am not saying, lets make a lesser class of worker and pay him so little. I am saying that innovation can automate that manufacturing and get us close enough, which is the only thing we are looking for. And stop blaming consumers for being broke, and doing what we have to in order to survive.
Janice, my new media outlet, Watchdog Progressive, is following the developments in Michigan politics. Feel free to provide information as the major news outlets are simply not reporting on these events. Thank you.
WP Editor Watchdog Progressive
While the Kloppenburg camp's request for recount was within guidelines, the chances of reversal are miniscule at best. Of twenty-three statewide recounts in the U.S. since 1980 five resulted in reversal of the election results. Further, all five reversals were in cases where the initial margin was less than 527 votes.
That leaves one to wonder about the true motivation for the recount demand. Although Kloppenburg's stated reason is that "Wisconsin residents must have full confidence that these election results are legitimate and that this election was fair", it seems her real goal is to further undermine public perception of the election's legitimacy.
What is the evidence to support that conclusion? How about the fact that her campaign's complaint included the following:
1. "asked the state elections board to appoint an independent investigator to look into potential misconduct surrounding the uncounted Waukesha County votes"
2. the allegation that Walker and Prosser met to discuss "ballots somewhere, somehow found out of the blue that weren't counted before."
There are serious problems with both of these statements; and Kloppenburg's campaign knew that before submitting their complaint. First of all there is no need to investigate the "uncounted" Waukesha County votes. Why? Because they were all counted - on election night. The correct count was even reported by the local newspaper based upon the election night totals. The counts were omitted only from the unofficial totals provided to the Associated Press. So, there were no "uncounted" votes "found". There was merely a correction to the report provided to the media. Kloppenburg knew this to be true, yet chose to misrepresent what happened in order to create mistrust of the results. She is knowingly using the false allegation of "uncounted" votes to justify the expenditure of taxpayer funds for an unnecessary recount - apparently for the sole purpose of further enflaming the already hostile political environment in Wisconsin.
It is a TOTALLY uncontrollable monster once the fuel goes into a melting condition.
Suddenly the G E companies all around the world are speechless.
Even ALL the terrorists had ENOUGH COMMON SENSE to NOT attack a USED FUEL POOL.
So the real terrorists turned out to be the NUCLEAR INDUSTRIES. They created the weapons of MASS DESTRUCTIONS.
WHY ????........Only a insane egotistical person would FORCE such a lie on the world.
Earth will become another brown planet. Now you know why we are the last planet with life on it.
This is yet again another example of how the all mighty dollar has more value than life. When will it end? Maybe when we are all dead from toxins. I wonder if the decision making executives are feeding their family natural or organic?
Our economy is driven by innovation and manufacturing. But whether we like it or not, a family thats broke or struggling to get by will cut corners. We will either buy a lesser product for a lesser price or not buy at all. Its NOT the family to blame, but its the way it is. And severely taxing imports only puts that product out of reach for that family, so dont go down that road. The idea is we have to be able to make a product that is in demand at a price that is reasonable.
Lets use the example of shoes. I have no doubt that American made footwear is better. But I too am struggling. One made in China costs $50, CHEAPEST US made is around $150. Thats not a negligible difference and impacts my ability to buy the FOOD and MEDS I need to survive. I have to buy the $50 item
. Until we understand that middle class (and below) thinks that way, the problem will be perceived as class warfare, and the better-than-thou types will continue to blame consumers. So, we have to make that shoe in the US for at least close to China made prices. Can it be done? YES, but we are so union wage driven that the item that we can make will not even be close in price. I am not saying, lets make a lesser class of worker and pay him so little. I am saying that innovation can automate that manufacturing and get us close enough, which is the only thing we are looking for. And stop blaming consumers for being broke, and doing what we have to in order to survive.