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  • Reply to: Martial Law Now a Reality in Michigan   13 years 10 months ago
    I am wholly with you. I am an Illinois native, now living in the crazy state of Arizona. It is a nazi state here, too; the Repubs have had control for years, our school system is in a shambles, and they have closed several state parks! Recently, our idiot, illiterate governor decided to stop organ transplants on our health care program, and she has killed 2 people already. I agree; if it happens, the people responsible should be the recipient of violent action as needed. I am a leftist, and thus, usually opposed to war. However, our nation wasn't born because we sent nice notes to England to ask them to please stop giving tax breaks to the East India Trading Company while taxing our colonists to the point they could not compete. No, we ended up in a bloody war. Freedom is not free; it does require violence, because power never gives up power willingly, but is FORCED to give it up.
  • Reply to: "Thunda Around the Rotunda" to Rumble into Madison Saturday   13 years 10 months ago
    My husband and I plan on riding our motorcycles in the event and we are proud to do it. I spent many days at the capital protesting the attack on workers. I did it in the rain and the snow and the cold. And now I will do it on a motorcycle. Doesn't matter how we do it, but it needs to be done in any way, shape or form. On Wisconsin!
  • Reply to: Martial Law Now a Reality in Michigan   13 years 10 months ago
    Web site: updates, and volunteer sign-up...........Advise you to check daily. Thanks very much for any help you can give..........
  • Reply to: Martial Law Now a Reality in Michigan   13 years 10 months ago
    I think the corporations have decided to just eliminate the illusory trappings of democracy and run things directly for their shareholders' profit. For example, I understand there's a large public park in Benton Harbor which has now been closed to the public by the city's new corporate dictator. The land has been turned over to a developer who will develop it as an expensive and exclusive golf course. I hope the people of Michigan look to the people of the Middle East for guidance about how to respond.
  • Reply to: "Thunda Around the Rotunda" to Rumble into Madison Saturday   13 years 10 months ago
    I guess it is a good thing you keep your distance from these childish grown-ups. you must be a real fun person at parties,I guess someone like you has been drinking the Fox koolaide for so long that they have no clue about what real grown-ups are trying to protect for you and the rest of the clueless who follow the republican agenda, that's OK because we real grown-ups will handle it for you like we always have. That's ok sit back and have a good day
