Recent comments

  • Reply to: Wisconsin Special Election Seen as a Bellwether for Future Recall Elections   13 years 10 months ago
    Another non-biased report by prwatch. A small note in the last paragraph noting that two Republicans won their respective races, shame on you. This is a bellwether indeed...for the Republicans. Be careful what you ask for dems; bring on the Recalls!!
  • Reply to: Don't Be Duped by the Sewage Sludge Industry's "Compost"   13 years 10 months ago
    If only the human waste was being used & composted thoroughly & properly, that would be ok. The issue here is that sewage sludge is full of the toxic chemicals used in the sewage treatment plants to process the waste. This waste is also from many many people who are taking many different prescription drugs the residues of which remain in the waste, even after processing. Not to forget the myriad of diseases humans have. We don't use the manure of sick animals, so why use the manure of sick humans? If the manure isn't composted properly but is only processed with chemicals, that is not organic.
  • Reply to: Koch Brothers "Prank" No Laughing Matter   13 years 10 months ago
    This is exactly what they should expect in the wake of the ACORN and PP frauds. At least Murphy didn't have to heavily edit the Walker tape to incriminate him, he is hanged by his own words. The right-wing punk who set up ACORN and PP couldn't have gotten anyone's attention with his raw footage.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Special Election Seen as a Bellwether for Future Recall Elections   13 years 10 months ago
    If this is the bellwether in Wisconsin the republicans are doing better than we thought
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   13 years 10 months ago
    Thank you, Mr Potter. The medical indemnity insurers also need a big spotlight shone on them, together with tort medical malpractice tort reform legislation and the required government and the law sector complicity to make institutional corruption flourish. Medical indemnity insurers are engaging in white collar crime, racketeering and the terrorising of malpractice injured patients. They are literally running a protection racket. These include falsifying patients records and x-rays, thereby erasing prima facie evidence or replacing a patient's real evidence with manipulated evidence; secret insurance databases, blacklisting of patients and quite brazen battering of injured patients. The Medical Protection Society operates like this around the world, especially in places like South Africa and Hong Kong where governments and legislators are corrupt. In Hong Kong the MPS and medical practitioners have devised elaborate schemes to intentionally batter patients. It's brazen and then followed up by various secret processes. The Medical Protection Society has a huge Kickback Account for bribing personal injury lawyers and judges, paying Internet hackers to read your email or remove truthful content off the Internet, bribing off journalists etc etc. We know that all these indemnity insurers act as medical defence organisations and have huge devious law firms, corrupt expert witnesses, police, health boards, health depts all colluding with them. I can help anyone with this if you like as I've experienced all the above!
