Recent comments

  • Reply to: Dear Mr. President, I Wish I Had Known...   13 years 10 months ago
    thanks Mr. Potter, I was just telling a friend yesterday how our president knows better than anybody why Single Payer is the answer to these unfair insurance practices. I have come to admire you greatly Mr. Potter, you have taken a stand that is courageous. We need more Wendell Potters to speak out. God bless you!
  • Reply to: Sarah Palin: The Koch Brother’s Union Maid   13 years 10 months ago
    I agree with your whole premise of Palin being a paid representative of the Koch boys. However, your "Union Maid" handle is an example stereotypical, insulting sexism. The fact that you call Palin the Maid and not Walker is telling. Often, women themselves are responsible for perpetuating the limitless demeaning stereotypes of womanhood. We have to be careful that in the process of advancing ourselves, we don't resort to "old boy" bad behavior.
  • Reply to: Walker Promotes Education Privatization in D.C. Amid Protests   13 years 10 months ago
    Public education is a matter of national security.
  • Reply to: Energy Industry Puts Positive Spin on Record Profits   13 years 10 months ago

    Sure, the petroleum industry will blame the high price of gasoline on the taxes collected by both federal, state, and local entities. I'm sure that the oil companies, and the API all think that people are so stupid as to think that the taxes rise with the price of a gallon of gas. Maybe to a small extent, but not enough to cover the difference in price for petroleum products in the past year. Gas is up more than a dollar!

    Why not look at the effect commodity traders (some of which are either petroleum companies, or controlled by petroleum companies) have when gasoline or oil prices are bid up high, sold off the suckers, who can't stay in the market, have to sell off below what they paid, and then the big guys buy low, run up the price again... it's a vicious cycle.

    Thanks for writing, Anne

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 10 months ago

    I took the time to read each and everyone of your comments and sadly enough I heard (read) was fustration aggrevated and anger of what these large corportation can and will get away with.
    Being we can't fight city hall, lets look upon ourself as to what steps can we do, not worry about every food intake that will kill us.

    Being in the Health care profession and knowing so many people suffering from acid reflux which was once called interdigestion, crohns decease and most of all allergies.

    All this is related to the GMO. If they take the DNA from a peanut then a tomatoe you will now be allergic to the tomatoe as well.
    What I am getting at is Heal yourself from the inside out. I came across a probiotic that has a trishere application that when it reaches the stomach the cloric acid dosn't reconize it therefore it rejects it and passes it threw the intestines which has ackaline then the probiotic will be release into our digestive system. billions of good bacteria 80% will be release into our system. Therefore less then a couple of days you will feel the difference. Now mind you there are many probiotics out their that works but it takes months before you get the effects. Some have to be refrig.

    If you want more infomation reply to this and I will get back to you.
    I would be glad to tell you more.

    I seen for myself people gettig off there meds HB,cholestrol pills, allergies and the list goes on.

    Lets take action for ourselves and let the pharmaceutical co as well, loose the battle of not shoving down our throats another pill cause of all the issues the GMO foods are doing to us.I pray that you all take this to heart. Have a healthy day
