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  • Reply to: Associated Press Responds to Bias Charges   13 years 10 months ago

    Ellen Hale is a jew and his articles on middle east, Afghanistan and Pakistan are biased. He is like other jewish owned Tv, radio stations and news papers are busy spreading hate again Muslims and country like Pakistan which lost 31 thousand lived in a so called war on terrorism. We are forced to participate in this war. may war crimes and crimes against humanity are committed against the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan on daily basis.
    CIA and Indian Agencies are busy training, arming and funding Pakistani Talibans to spread Anarchy and CAHOS so Pakistan will be prepared for easy walk when NATO war is begin against Pakistan.Ellen Hale and people like him are busy building a consensus against Pakistan.
    We are not Iraq and nor we are Afghanistan. We will see when we are forced in to fight a war.

  • Reply to: Because of Two Determined Women, Vermont May Be First Single-Payer State   13 years 10 months ago
    This article is ridiculous and makes me wonder what this webdite is really about. If Dr. Richter, who happens to make more money than the average person is REALLY concerned about people why didn't she take out of her own pocket and give to the poor? She pretends to be concerned for the poor but she is only concerned about her own job which was in danger because people couldn't afford her. Now she has gauranteed her career because now the government, which now has a monopoly and has no budget constraints or competition, will go into debt forever and a day to help people who without the constraints of budget will most likely become abusers of the system. At least before, you had one company competing with another. And you had citizenry who had to superacheive to face the future. Now you have a citizenry who is getting freebies. And now those who grew up with advantages like Dr. Richter can go to bed at nigght never having to face pain and suffering again.
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 10 months ago

    New season's already carries lots of GMO foods.

  • Reply to: Whale Meat In The UK   13 years 10 months ago

    Whale meat is low fat, delicious and reasonably priced. One whale can feed an army (the Norwegian army eats it) and the removal of other species from the aquatic ecosystem is more harmful.

  • Reply to: Koch Brothers "Prank" No Laughing Matter   13 years 10 months ago
    ...perhaps using one of Koch Industries' many fine TP products. (err, toilet paper that is...although it could just as easily stand for tea party) I admit I'm from another state and wasn't paying too close attention to the WI elections, but I can't recall walker ever mentioning union busting when he was campaigning. it seems to me that the fiscal difficulties are a good reason not to lay off schoolteachers and librarians and nurses (those evil "union thugs" walker loves to rail about) but to undo walker's expensive tax cuts for the wealthy. "The rich are always going to say that, you know, just give us more money and we'll go out and spend more and then it will all trickle down to the rest of you. But that has not worked the last 10 years, and I hope the American public is catching on." —Warren Buffett (I guess he was talking about the *other* rich)
