One of the first rules of journalism that I was taught as a cub reporter was this: Never, never, NEVER use a journalistic platform to settle a personal vendetta. Seems like Ms. Siers-Poisson could use a bit of a refresher on that one.
My first thought at the end of the Movie was...Did Sigourney only agree to do the movie only if she could smoke so she wouldn't have nicotine withdrawals on the set?
Futuristic smoking? No one else smoked in the movie, so why should Grace. This movie wasn't set in 1950, at time when everyone else smoked, so thats not it. There was no need to show independence or defiance like Kate Winslet's character Rose in Titanic, because, Grace was clearly the lead scientist. Again no. Grace smoked because she was a tough woman? Um, during the middle of the movie she was being very nice, and helpful to the lead character, as well as others, and was STILL smoking at that point. That must not be it either. Grace did not get cancer or anything, so there was no need to show a cause for that. I did not see any evidence in the movie to indicate that she did not care about her health, in fact she kept making sure the main character was eating and sleeping and such. Caring about others but not about herself makes no sense. Smoking in a high tech lab that was also highly air tight was basically a contradiction in terms and was quite dumb since it would contaminate the work. Her character was too smart and too dedicated to "Getting Samples" to let this habit continue. Pushing smoking on viewers? I never saw any brand names or Grace suggesting to others to smoke. Plus, most people here seem to be asking Why she was smoking, instead of going out to the store to buy a pack. So believing the Tobacco Companies were involved is quite a stretch, since it backfired. James Cameron didn't think about it? He worked on this movie for like 4 years, So, I think he noticed this at least once during production. It did not slip by. Was somebody killed by a smoker? Grace must have done it! OOPS, Wrong Movie! Grace was fidgety and needed to do something with her hands. With all those gadgets, and fabulous glowing creatures and plants to play with, she had plenty of better choices than smoking...
OK, I am running out of ideas, unless there are some that I can't think of...
The only thing that I can come up with is that Sigourney refused to have nicotine withdrawals on the set. But there is nicotine gum that she could have chewed, and I really don't believe that she is the kind of person to blackmail a Movie Production for her services over something like smoking...
So, I guess it was just pointless and completely unnecessary. But then why do it in the first place? I just don't get it.
Sigourney, Please just quit smoking and refuse to do so in future films. Because, I don't need these confusing Quirks distracting me from enjoying your films. Thanks!
Absolutely not. It would lead to the decertification of a farm as organic, which would then be a 5-10 year process to undo. It also means that any seeds that the farmer was planning to save are useless, since courts have ruled them the property of Monsanto post-contamination, requiring a purchase of seeds for the next year and a destruction of the fields and crops that are there already.
In the case of alfalfa, it means that farmers lose their animal and soil feed crop and their organic certification in one fell swoop.
What is this article getting at? That private schooling is bad? That the Koch brothers are corrupt? That there is no corruption in public schooling? There is far more corruption in public schooling than in private schooling. Jennifer Page should turn her intuition skills toward public schooling. She'd be busy for the rest of her life. The NWO/Elite/Globalists fund both sides because they want to have everyone fighting. As for education as in everything else this website needs to figure out what their stance is all about other than continuous revolution because I'm beginning to think someone here is also receiving money from the Koch brothers. As for private education, I thank God I had a taste of it because public education was sending me into immoral enslavement.
New Seasons, clearly, is the spawn of the devil. Long live our oppressed cockroach brothers!
My first thought at the end of the Movie was...Did Sigourney only agree to do the movie only if she could smoke so she wouldn't have nicotine withdrawals on the set?
Futuristic smoking? No one else smoked in the movie, so why should Grace. This movie wasn't set in 1950, at time when everyone else smoked, so thats not it. There was no need to show independence or defiance like Kate Winslet's character Rose in Titanic, because, Grace was clearly the lead scientist. Again no. Grace smoked because she was a tough woman? Um, during the middle of the movie she was being very nice, and helpful to the lead character, as well as others, and was STILL smoking at that point. That must not be it either. Grace did not get cancer or anything, so there was no need to show a cause for that. I did not see any evidence in the movie to indicate that she did not care about her health, in fact she kept making sure the main character was eating and sleeping and such. Caring about others but not about herself makes no sense. Smoking in a high tech lab that was also highly air tight was basically a contradiction in terms and was quite dumb since it would contaminate the work. Her character was too smart and too dedicated to "Getting Samples" to let this habit continue. Pushing smoking on viewers? I never saw any brand names or Grace suggesting to others to smoke. Plus, most people here seem to be asking Why she was smoking, instead of going out to the store to buy a pack. So believing the Tobacco Companies were involved is quite a stretch, since it backfired. James Cameron didn't think about it? He worked on this movie for like 4 years, So, I think he noticed this at least once during production. It did not slip by. Was somebody killed by a smoker? Grace must have done it! OOPS, Wrong Movie! Grace was fidgety and needed to do something with her hands. With all those gadgets, and fabulous glowing creatures and plants to play with, she had plenty of better choices than smoking...
OK, I am running out of ideas, unless there are some that I can't think of...
The only thing that I can come up with is that Sigourney refused to have nicotine withdrawals on the set. But there is nicotine gum that she could have chewed, and I really don't believe that she is the kind of person to blackmail a Movie Production for her services over something like smoking...
So, I guess it was just pointless and completely unnecessary. But then why do it in the first place? I just don't get it.
Sigourney, Please just quit smoking and refuse to do so in future films. Because, I don't need these confusing Quirks distracting me from enjoying your films. Thanks!
Absolutely not. It would lead to the decertification of a farm as organic, which would then be a 5-10 year process to undo. It also means that any seeds that the farmer was planning to save are useless, since courts have ruled them the property of Monsanto post-contamination, requiring a purchase of seeds for the next year and a destruction of the fields and crops that are there already.
In the case of alfalfa, it means that farmers lose their animal and soil feed crop and their organic certification in one fell swoop.