Recent comments

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 9 months ago

    It may be required that you take your shoes off before entering "New Seasons", but the bottom line, is that New Seasons is a business they will sell anything that "sells" at about 20% higher than other less "conscious" shops. It's nothing more than clever marketing.

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 9 months ago

    I started to buy my fruits and veggies from local farmers to support the true organic concept.... to get into one of these co-ops is relative easy but some times you may encounter a waiting list.


  • Reply to: Leaked EPA Memos May Explain Massive Bee Die-Off   13 years 9 months ago

    Don't hold your breath. What I've read is corporations own the world
    and will continue to do so. They are necessary in some regards
    but not to the extent of threatening nature and humans. These
    nazi's abuse what power they have over our govt. No one seems
    to know what is killing the honey bee off - have read chemtrails,
    cell phone towers and cell phones, haarp, and of course the ever
    secretive chemical factories, esp. monsanto and bayer.

  • Reply to: And the Razzie goes to Norman Lear's EMA for Exposing Kids to Sewage Sludge and Not Coming Clean   13 years 9 months ago
    Lisa Graves is raising a legitimate concern. May I suggest an accredited lab test the soil in the LA gardens? Test the soil in the bags from the garden shops? How much Sludge is used? Where is the sludge coming from? If there's more bones to dig, find a hound with a good nose and this story won't stay buried long.
  • Reply to: Voter Suppression Bills Sweep the Country   13 years 9 months ago
    I see nothing wrong with presenting a photo ID. In fact- I have to do it ALL the time! When I write a check, when I register my kids I need not only the license- birth cert-mortgage/and or rental/ and 2 current bills in my name coming to the address listed. Really-this story should be a good thing. My kids (16 and under) are used to having their ID anyway with them-and in college you always need it with you. Sorry- I don't get why this is spun the way it is.
