I do admit the world is a mess and people need to wake up a bit and stop acting like little kids in the back seat on a long trip but this guy is just out to sell a book if it is the end of the world who would have time to read it.
In reality the impressionable people need to take what he says with a grain of salt and not buy into what this guy is selling he could do more harm than good.
I think anyone who has done even the most basic research into the chemical components will find several items that alter metabolism even before you appetite suppressants. The weight gain ex-smokers deal with is pretty common knowledge. This is less op-ed and more conspiracy theory, if you ask me.
Dr. Makhijani's point of view has been largely glossed over by the mainstream media, and is being drowned out by happy talk from the nuclear energy industry and its allied cheerleaders in the legislature. You can listen to his entire interview
I am of the LDS faith and in my religion we are taught to NOT speculate how or when the second comming is going to be. Christ will come like a thief in the night and even he dosen't know when he is comming. The stars are supposed to fall from the heavens or at least appear to be that way. The stars will stay right where they are and so it really will be us that will be comming to him and also him comming to us this means that we will meet half way. I thnk you are wrong to judge him though. What I mean is he is just an old man who has probably been out in the sun too long. The old fart is obviously demented. He thinks he has had a stroke of genious when in all reality, he has just had a stroke. This catostrophic event might ot happen for the next 500 years or so. Even still it might happen on the 21st of May or it might happen on February, 12 2049 about three years after I am supposed to die. Now, does this sound like a bunch of jiberish? I am only trying to stress a point here and that is just leave the old man to his beliefs. After all, he is nearly 90 years old and really old folks like this poor old guy are famous for speaking jiberish that dosen't make any sense. If you really want to do some good for all of us, let us all get together and put this old guy into a nursing home where he belongs. This is just so that he can't do any harm to either himself or other people and his followers should be put into psyciatric hospitals for the same reasons.
I think anyone who has done even the most basic research into the chemical components will find several items that alter metabolism even before you appetite suppressants. The weight gain ex-smokers deal with is pretty common knowledge. This is less op-ed and more conspiracy theory, if you ask me.
Dr. Makhijani's point of view has been largely glossed over by the mainstream media, and is being drowned out by happy talk from the nuclear energy industry and its allied cheerleaders in the legislature. You can listen to his entire interview
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