This dude's teaching does not come from the Bible. So if you write off the Bible, you're doing it because you want to, not because the Bible supports his theory.
"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows."
Please don’t confuse this nut-job with Christians. He is no more a Christian than David Koresh, Fred Waldron Phelps or Jim Jones. Just because these extremists get a lot of press and TV time does not mean that they speak for the belief. It is flawed logic to conclude a movements belief based on extremists on either side. You cannot make conclusion on military members beliefs based on Nidal Malik Hasan actions nor could you make any conclusion with regard to teachers based on Nigel Leat. But judging "his entire religion" is good! On the 22nd you and everyone else will know that the religion of Harold Camping is false. This, by the way is not Christianity. The Bible he holds in his hand is good and brings life and light but he and those like him distorts it and by doing so will bring shame and ridicule on himself. Not Christians or the Bible.
Bible says NO MAN knowith the day ,the time of hour in which the Lord will return. Not even the Angles in Heaven. Money where his mouth is and sign over all his worldly possessions. He cant take it with him right? That goes for his a fealing that when it doesnt happen he will say somthimg like. Thousands of people were saved. But he would need to know that all those peoples salavtion would have been based on a lie. The money spent on billboards could have been given to the needy and fed thousands. If the final days are drawing near, why doesnt he relinquish all his money to charity? He later commented, "whats the point". The point would be better made by giving it all away that way people would be more for sure it was real. Instead of afterwards cowering behind what he still owns.
Well I'm in need of help right now. So to all his followers who really believes the world is coming to an help me financially cause u dnt need it. I really need help. So if u believe show me and help me today...