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  • Reply to: Harold Camping's Global Apocalypse PR Campaign   13 years 9 months ago
    Since the world is world the human being have been scare about how the world will end and sometimes we forget to have the right stuff to do things in the right way as God wants. This man,i think is just scare about the end of the world and desperate becouse he wants to go to heaven. He is just what bible describe as a False Prophet. The world would not going to end tomorrow. It is impossible becouse my graduation is on Monday. I'm a roman catholic 14 years old student of Puerto Rico and I understand this so I hope you could.
  • Reply to: Harold Camping's Global Apocalypse PR Campaign   13 years 9 months ago
    I can't say I am prophet or anything even remotely like one but I had a religious experience with God. I was upset because there are so many children in the world being abused and starving and was praying about it to God. All I know is I heard this deep thunder like voice that said to me: "Remember, I am the God Almighty. Do your part to teach the children in the world of me. If you do your part to teach the children in the world of me and the world becomes a better place. I will see fit to let it stand a little longer. If you do not do your part to teach the children in the world of me and the world continues on the path that it is; I will see fit to destroy it." I do not support people like this guy. I do believe that it is God's choice of when and if he ends this beautiful world he created. I also believe that he wants to give us every chance to do what he asks. He is a kind and loving God who loves us unconditionally. If the people in this world keep getting worse than Sodom and Gamora ever thought of being then why wouldn't he destroy the earth. This was not his intention. He wants beautiful Christian people on this beautiful Earth doing beautiful things. The Bible also says the meek shall inherit the earth. He will create a new Heaven and Earth for his people. Come on people. Think for yourself.
  • Reply to: Harold Camping's Global Apocalypse PR Campaign   13 years 9 months ago
    There's no worse enemy to Christendom than someone that claims to be a man of God but doesn't believe the actual Word of God. Jesus said, "no man knows the day of the hour." That's all there is to it. This Harold Camping apparently doesn't believe Jesus Christ, or he just plain can't read! To throw out God's Word because of this man's foolishness would be even more ludicrous than Harold Camping's May 21st predictions.
  • Reply to: Harold Camping's Global Apocalypse PR Campaign   13 years 9 months ago
    Please Folk, if you are going to quote the scripture, do it in the CONTEXT of the passage, and knowing the GREEK Helps too, But always...CONTEXT,CONTEXT,CONTEXT!!!, And for those who are intrested in end time events rapture, Tribulation, and GREAT Tribulation, please read II Thessalonians 2:1-20, Choose a Good Bible. Or just E-mail me,(I don't open attachments) I'll try to help, Please be serious! there are many who really want to know Honestly, Thanks.
  • Reply to: Harold Camping's Global Apocalypse PR Campaign   13 years 9 months ago
    Nice spelling job. Maybe you shouldn't be calling people names. Especially one as offensive as retard.
