With caging, excessive ID requirements, etc, backed up by unverifiable voting machines who needs to worry about mere public financing. Then the Democrats of today are nearly as sycophantic towards corporate needs as any Republican... in fact Republicans sometimes have a strain of libertarianism absent among the Dems.
So why not just stay home from the polls, and more important, from work next election day to let them all know just how illegitimate such a state and national government are?
So what is the typical profit margin for an insurer Mr. Potter? What defines excessive reserves? Do you really think insurers should keep the bare minimum? What's appropriate not just the point that artificially inflates your argument. I like the way you always refer to the "Shareholder" obligations, but many americans are covered by non-invester owned health plans. Probably just easier to skip that detail to support your argument, right?
Some other questions for you: Do insurers serve a role to negotiate down reimbursement rates (and thus keep costs down)? Are private insurance companies subsidizing doctors and hospitals for the low rates they receive on government health care (Medicare and Medicaid)? Wouldn't it be nice if everyone paid the low government rate? I'll answer that...no, because it would put hospitals and doctors out of business (it's already happening).
Someday you should try actually articulating the positives as well versus the exaggerated claims you make.
it has occurred before and i believe it has to happen again."
Believe this…your end will come at the end of your own time. Period.
If you have a telescope or have seen photos by NASA of outer space, then you know that 'rapture' is not physically possible. These photos don't deny the presence of a god, but they do stoutly disprove a place called 'heaven'.
Etemology: Obsolete French, abduction, carrying off, from rapt, carried away, from Old French rat, from Latin raptus; see rapt.
Let me see if I get your complaint right: MY money is being used to support candidates I may not agree with morally or politically, and now that's been blocked. So MY money is now being used to make sure legally and lawfully registered voters may be assured that THEIR votes are accurately tallied, and that only LAWFULLY registered voters are altering the political landscape in which I live.
Correct? What's the problem? IT'S NOT YOUR MONEY!
It's funny how a lot of people believed this man.I say that it's funny because nobody actually knows when the world will end.My dad always used to say to me that we came to life one at a time and that is the way we will die.For all i know,the APOCALIPSE can come today,tommorrow or 100 years from now.So,I don't believe these false preachers.I live my life knowing that someday it will end.