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  • Reply to: Health Insurers Have Had Their Chance   13 years 9 months ago
    Support SB 810 in California - SINGLE PAYER HEALTH CARE NOW! John Douglas
  • Reply to: Harold Camping's Global Apocalypse PR Campaign   13 years 9 months ago
    Just for a moment, let's give the old fart the benefit of the doubt: Rapture came and went on May 21, just like he predicted. God looked at the human race and rejected the whole lot, "true believers" as well as sinners included. Camping himself didn't even make the cut. Life goes on. The only thing missing in the aftermath is the realization that self-righteousness and puffery does not give anyone a free ride to glory. Amen.
  • Reply to: Health Insurers Have Had Their Chance   13 years 9 months ago
    We used to have not-for-profit health insurance before the 1990's. Rate increases needed to be approved by state regulators. Someone then had the bright idea to "sell" these "not-for-profit" insurance companies to for-profit corporations expecting the "marketplace" to create efficiencies and cost reductions. Oh, by the way, billions of dollars of "reserves" were transfered to these corporations in the process. Nice windfall! So what do for-profit insurers do? They invest their "reserves" and make a profit. Nobody has a problem with that. However, when those investments lose money, the insurers have to raise the rates they charge for the insurance product. If they make more profit, do they lower the rates they charge for their product? Not in my lifetime. Those extra profits go towards higher salaries, bonuses and then shareholders. So rates always go up. It's just a matter of how much. Does anyone have the guts to fix this lunacy or do we just keep thanking corporate America for not raping us harder and more often?
  • Reply to: Health Insurers Have Had Their Chance   13 years 9 months ago
    Wendall is a RockStar as far as I'm concerned. We really need people like him speaking out as he is doing. His inside-the- boardroom experience not only sheds light on the decision- making processes, but also the corporate culture in the insurance industry. Most often, the citizen is totally dependent on the Media to provide quality information only to find the media not well informed themselves.
  • Reply to: Pentagon Pundit Scandal Broke the Law   13 years 9 months ago
    What we're lacking here is accountability. I'd suggest we build a prison complete with a total Public Relations campaign manager and keep it full of white collar criminals who attempt to defraud the US taxpayer. If we were serious, we'd have it to capacity in a matter of months. In reality it'll be close to empty.
