Recent comments

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 9 months ago

    Everyone needs to step back and realize that WFM, New Seasons, or whatever "natural" grocery store near us is in this game for profit. We should all take the extra effort to find the local organic farm near us and buy our meat and produce there. They are also in this game for profit but they calculate the third bottom line - the human cost and benefit. If you can't find a local organic farm then plant your own garden. You can grow inside or outside. No space? Use a vertical approach. Don't have time? Join a cooperative of people willing to go that extra mile to make sure that the food we eat is not only good for you and your children, but is also good for our environment. We have to realize that in order to end corporate control, we have to take matters into our own hands. We should not be forced to choose between evil and less evil.

  • Reply to: Why Is The Monterey Bay Aquarium Greenwashing Sewage Sludge?   13 years 9 months ago
    Very informative. I have visited Monterey Bay Aquarium on number of occasions and have often found them very trustworthy and their work quite valuable. I have made financial donations to them in the past. A few months ago, and after having been contacted by them on a number of occasions about this, I finally agreed to be a sustaining cash donor. Reading your article made me re-think this decision very seriously. I will be sure to contact Monterey Bay Aquarium to ask about this and to register my grave disappointment with them, and depending on what I hear, I may have to pull my financial support. Best, Amir
  • Reply to: Robin Hood Storms Chase Castle and M&I Execs Get Piggish   13 years 9 months ago
    Someone who makes 100,000,000 doesn't buy anymore cars than the person who makes 100,000. Instead of taxing the wealthy to move income we need to force them to spend it in AMERICA. No buying stocks, no putting it in a savings account for a rainy day. Force Everyone making over 500,000 to spend 50% of their income. That would create jobs and "redistribute" the money into healthy growth.
  • Reply to: Health Insurers Have Had Their Chance   13 years 9 months ago
    One of my dentist's technicians and her husband have two small children. The only insurance they could afford a few years ago when she told me about this, is of the low premium/high deductible sort. What has happened to them is what, I am sure, happens to tons of other people. After paying premiums for four years but never once meeting the deductible, $5000 I believe, for any of the four members of their family, their insurance company had not had to pay even one penny in actual coverage of a medical expense. Republicans (the Paul Ryan "plan") at both the federal and state levels (the "Healthy Minnesota Contribution Plan") seem eager to get everyone on a plan that pays little or -- as in the case of the dental tech -- nothing toward the cost of health care. Democrats in the legislature estimate that 100,000 to 125,000 people now on MinnesotaCare (premiums based on the ability to pay) will be priced out of the insurance market altogether if the state adopts the Republican plan.
  • Reply to: Rapture PR Campaign Led to Russian Teen's Suicide   13 years 9 months ago

    A 14 year old Russian girl hangs herself to avoid being left behind and because she was terrified of the suffering Camping predicted. This exemplifies the horrible impact of religious fanaticism.
