Recent comments

  • Reply to: Koch Brothers Backing Misleading Anti-Solar Campaign in Florida   8 years 9 months ago
    Thank you for all you are doing to help make our world a better place and for standing up to disinformation campaigns fueled by deceitful CEOs...
  • Reply to: Major Electric Utility Dumps ALEC over Clean Power Plan   8 years 10 months ago
    Keep up the good work folks. Where are all the interested people?
  • Reply to: Koch Brothers Backing Misleading Anti-Solar Campaign in Florida   8 years 10 months ago
    You are very welcome, Lisa. It is extremely important that Floridians are aware of this Koch disinformation campaign. Floridians for Solar Choice is a broad coalition of citizen groups spanning the political spectrum that also includes many retail business organizations that are at the mercy of state-sanctioned monopolies who make unwise investments in coal, gas and nuclear plants and then saddle their customers with the costs of these decisions without so much as a cross word from the Public Service Commission. The goal of "Consumers for Smart Solar" is to protect the utilities from competition. So, we all have our work cut out for us to inform the voters who genuinely care about the future of Florida (ground zero for the consequences of climate change) regarding what ballot issue truly promotes solar energy in the Sunshine State and which one has as its purpose preventing the attainment of that goal.
  • Reply to: Koch Brothers Backing Misleading Anti-Solar Campaign in Florida   8 years 10 months ago
    Thank you for documenting this for other concerned citizens in Florida and across the country to see! We really appreciate it! Lisa
  • Reply to: Climate Hustle: Marc Morano's Latest Climate Change Denial Stunt   8 years 10 months ago

    The real issue is NOT the climate and never has been. A few extra hours' worth of energy from the sun, or a few less for that matter, captured by the earth's atmosphere can make greater change than we have seen. All this without any help from man. A single burp from a volcano HAS made more difference even in recorded history, change which lasted over three years causing volcano winters and destroying crops globally.

    The real issue is that while these "climatologists and scientists" try and make us believe that we are changing earth's climate they are taking ALL our attention from the REAL and solvable issues. Issues like the Sugar cane and farming and ranching industries destroying the everglades with phosphates 200-500 times what is normal there. Instead of ending this problem which CAN be ended, the politicians and big business LOBBY to not have to meet standards...and to extend the time to meet standards by 10-20-30 and more years!

    That's right folks, we pass laws and win court cases over and over again and the politicians give leave to continue destroying the everglades. This is NOT one area but all over the US and all over the globe. We look at the Climate Hustle going on and can't pay attention to the real damage happening by THOSE SAME PEOPLE that want to make money on carbon credits.

    Time to END this problem and END all rights of any group to LOBBY this way. It is all fraud.
