it is a general issue all over the world... we should change something in the near future... maybe with a new set of laws will be better. <a href="">Double glazing repairs Birmingham</a>
Actually, there are studies available that belie the Monsanto PR that touts the high yields of GM crops (ie the ability to feed a hungry world). The two promises -- the GM crops will produce higher yield and reduce pesticide use -- have not been demonstrated in 13 years since they were introduced.
I have blogged extensively about this. The latest is here, if you would like to see some of these studies.
Also, Robyn O'Brien, a food analyst, mother of four and founder of Allery Kids Foundation, has a wonderfully concise and revealing TED video about this here:
I've been meaning to buy a copy of this book for some time. I'm heading to the bookstore tomorrow for a copy. I want to know why my sister's friend had to have part of his face blown off, including an eye, from an improvised explosive device during his tour of duty in Iraq. I hope that, if and when they are ready, more Iraq War veterans will tell their stories, whether they agree with the war or not; and hopefully to hear stories from the Iraqi people, too.
Thanks for your work,
"Bail-bond companies have no direct interest in what happens once a person leaves jail," Chisolm says, as long as they get their fee. Commercial bail-bonding will also place unnecessary financial burdens on low-income residents and, according to most experts, actually increase jail populations."
Bail bonding companies have the ultimate, "direct interest" in what happens once one of their client leaves jail - financial survival. If a bondsman has about 5% of his clients fail to appear, his underwriters get very nervous. Any more than that and he is likely to be put out of business. Further, bail bonding companies, via bail enforcement agents, return (nationwide) roughly 85% of bail fugitives AT NO COST TO TAXPAYERS.
Actually, there are studies available that belie the Monsanto PR that touts the high yields of GM crops (ie the ability to feed a hungry world). The two promises -- the GM crops will produce higher yield and reduce pesticide use -- have not been demonstrated in 13 years since they were introduced.
I have blogged extensively about this. The latest is here, if you would like to see some of these studies.
Also, Robyn O'Brien, a food analyst, mother of four and founder of Allery Kids Foundation, has a wonderfully concise and revealing TED video about this here:
I've been meaning to buy a copy of this book for some time. I'm heading to the bookstore tomorrow for a copy. I want to know why my sister's friend had to have part of his face blown off, including an eye, from an improvised explosive device during his tour of duty in Iraq. I hope that, if and when they are ready, more Iraq War veterans will tell their stories, whether they agree with the war or not; and hopefully to hear stories from the Iraqi people, too.
Thanks for your work,