Recent comments

  • Reply to: The Heartland Institute's Quest for "Real Science" on Global Warming   13 years 8 months ago
    Really- I urge people to ask questions. Senator Inhofe has a great Goverment site with many reports on climategate-the scandel info, walks you through the scam. I urge people to ask questions-search out different sources-etc. When "scientists" alter data- that's no science. When they state we must "hide the decline" that's no science. When there's a trail of money- and the intention is for you to give up your money to "feel"better about the polar bears (more now then 25 yrs ago)- it's time to wake up. Here's a link to imhofes report on his GVT SENATE SITE (it's legit) that you should read to see why people are skeptical. Once you see it-you can not look the other way. Or we can pretend and pay.... Heres a link- updated last 2010. READ it- it walks you through! Very telling!
  • Reply to: R.I.P., Fairness Doctrine   13 years 8 months ago
    Sorry the fairness doctrine was mislabeled. It was never fair-and thank God it's gone. I know when to change channels and when the spin is twirling. Liberal media would have "their idea" of the opposing side-which really wouldn't be..If I want to tune in Rush, or Ed Schultz-I should be able to do so. I think liberal media can't beieve how much conservative radio has as an audience ... an they want in-you know-even the playing field so we don't hurt anyone's feelngs! But that conservative audience has been earned by truth and facts.. I have enjoyed many PR watches articles- but some are not just the facts they are meant to sway opinion.
  • Reply to: Thousands Protest at Capitol Against Walker Budget, Supreme Court Ruling   13 years 8 months ago
    Mr. Carlson: Your article is good, but please be more vigilant and professional in your writing vocabulary (or speak to your editor). Egregious errors like using "irregardless" in a published article is embarrassing and shows a lack of knowledge of the English language. This word does not exist. The correct word would be regardless. "Irregardless," if broken down, cancels itself out and is meaningless.
  • Reply to: False Flag Operation in Wisconsin's Open Primary   13 years 8 months ago
    Thought it was illegal to intentially mislead the public regarding an election???? If so, why arent there prosecutions begun regarding these phony candidates??? Oh, because the courts are now crooked? hmnnnn What constitution?
  • Reply to: What Does Wikileaks Have on Bank of America?   13 years 8 months ago
    the collapse of the USA is coming, no jobs, people losing their homes,fighting two wars, greedy bankers who don't care about the people, why should they, they have all the money and politicians in their control. We can see the collapse happening in other parts of the world, think it won't here, think again, when people are hungry, homeless and have had enough, the have not's will go after the have's. "we'll be fighting in the streets with our children at our feet" spam and ammo!
