Recent comments

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 8 months ago

    You're wrong WFM does not sell any coke brand products.

  • Reply to: Lies in the Name of the Free Market   13 years 8 months ago
    "Dear Cody-- Your allegation is simply untrue." Then perhaps you'd like to demonstrate how a group that has such close ties to the Animal Rights cult movement and goes to painstaking deliberate efforts to conceal their extremism and bad science ISN'T shilling for such groups. "If there is something that is not accurate, please let us know," Gee, where to start? "but entries by SourceWatch contributors are strictly sourced so a reader can check out the basis for statements made." Yes, sourced to blatantly biased, misleading, antiscientific, unreliable and morally- and financially- questionable sources like the PCRM. There are "sources" out there that claim the Holocaust never happened, or that Communism has only ever been a force for good. needless to say, that doesn't make it true. "Sometimes people don't like to see the truth in print, like about the conditions at some factory farms producing the food they eat." And sometimes people have the time, skepticism and mental acquity to actually educate themselves on the realities of such things, instead of blindly trusting baseless propaganda garnered by Animal Rights terrorists and cultists. The fact that you even use an Orwellian scare-term like "factory farms" precludes you immediately form this group. "Or, are you a factory farmer? " That MUST be it. I don't believe the garbage printed in PETA chick-tacts, so I *MUST* be some well-funded stooge of the nefarious phantom Corporate Boogeyman. Your Tin Foil Hat's a little crooked.
  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   13 years 8 months ago
    Nancy..If WP said those quotes that you've listed, well I think we would all like to see them in a real publication. Can't imagine why we wouldn't take your word for it...Send ONE of them from the publication or news organization from which it came. Oh yes let me qualify that...From a reputable publication or news source. Sounds to me like you are an employee of Rick Berman and his CCF going online and looking for ways to infiltrate? Everybody know he hires people to troll the internet posting strange reactive comments like yours on sites he knows are against his clients beliefs. "he doesn't like his girlfriends cat?" and "canned hunts don't exist?" where did these come from? People like you get a bug up their *&% on one thing, in your case "dove hunting" and then decide to go off on the whole organization. If your such an internet lover and love posting comments, do some research for yourself online and goggle Center for Consumer Freedom. nancy i've got 2 words for you!!! GOOGLE IT!!!!
  • Reply to: New Type of Ads Trick Viewers, Help Circumvent DVRs   13 years 8 months ago

    Currently, any advertisement for a tie-in product within the show is considered a violation of the FCC rules and is considered a "program length commercial" by their standards, putting the station at risk of paying large fines for violations.

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 8 months ago

    I'm pretty sure I've seen diet coke at WFM.
