Watch food inc. If I type anything about the truth about americas food on this I could be sued. No joke. By the way its sad to say but people are payed not to talk about meat and yes even soy to!
Yes I agree that many parts of the world have heathier/better democracies than the U.S. Here in the U.S., Democracy it not much more than a brand that is utilized to market ideas/products to benefit corporation & their elite benefactors.
Sadly I beleive that the U.S.'s public & society is no longer capable of reclaiming government. The ongoing socilization/propaganda process has removed the publics ability to challenge corporate america.
why don't these stories get beyond websites such as this one?
tea baggers need to measure insurance companies with the same metrics they use to justify their hatred of government.
what needs to happen in order to get these stories completed and into the mainstream?'s kinda in their blood.
Yes I agree that many parts of the world have heathier/better democracies than the U.S. Here in the U.S., Democracy it not much more than a brand that is utilized to market ideas/products to benefit corporation & their elite benefactors.
Sadly I beleive that the U.S.'s public & society is no longer capable of reclaiming government. The ongoing socilization/propaganda process has removed the publics ability to challenge corporate america.
May I have the address you wrote that got this reply? I am interested in not only telling them "THANK YOU!" but seeing how I can help.