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Just a reminder from a Union loving Public Employee that despite it's terrible impact on public sector workers, this is much much more then a Union Busting Law. I think the perps rely on us focusing on the Union aspect, and not on the whole unwieldy, overwhelming, destructive package that they have rammed down Wisconsin's throat.
LOL, this article was written by someone who supports big oil subsidies over natural gas subsidies. It's just a political game, and complete BS. This will continue down to the wire until Congress passes the Nat Gas bill. Since this may happen on Obama's watch, his competitors are worried that by supporting natural gas, they're supporting Obama. That's what fuels articles like this. Some will do whatever it takes to bad-mouth natural gas as much as they can, because natural gas would become foreign oil's #1 competition. Just imagine what will happen to oil stocks once investors move their money to natural gas stocks. Unfortunately for those who publish BS articles like this, it's not the American people voting on it; it's Congress. And they already know the facts. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Third party testing is a great idea.
Seriously? Food is food?