In 2005, researchers and the University of California, San Francisco reviewed [ unpublished in vivo research on secondhand cigarette smoke performed by scientists] at the [[Philip Morris]] during the 1980s at its overseas biological lab Institut für Biologische Forschung, or [[INBIFO]]. Between 1981 and 1989 PM performed at least 115 separate studies at INBIFO on the toxicity of secondhand tobacco smoke. The existence of these studies on secondhand smoke was completely unknown until the tobacco industry's internal documents were made public on the Internet in 1998. PM's studies revealed that inhaled fresh secondhand smoke is approximately four times more toxic per gram in its total particulate matter than mainstream cigarette smoke (the smoke the smoker himself inhales). The condensate ("tar") derived from secondhand smoke is approximately three times more toxic per gram and two to six times more tumorigenic per gram than the condensate produced by mainstream smoke when applied to skin. Philip Morris never revealed the results of these studies to the public or any government.
Secondhand smoke is more chemically potent that what the smoker himself inhales.
The way I join in the fight, is what I buy and how I eat. If you can't lobby, and get involved, then at least watch what you buy, vote with your feet. When WFM showed up on the scene, I saw what they sold. They showed up about when the law was changed regarding what was deemed "organic". They sold "conventional" from the beginning as I remember shopping in Orlando. I could see where that was going from the start. So, how about you Americans learning how to grow some decent soil in your backyard. How about a few chickens. They are so esy to care for. Our ancestors always had chickens, and at least a small garden with rich soil grown with manure, leaves and compost. Their lives were centered around food then, not around large corporations producing food for us. Everybody sick now, everywhere I go, no matter what kind of house they live in. What, isn't this famine? Look at those huge swollen guts I see everywhere, reminds me of certain commercials on TV asking for donations for dying children in third world countries. Stop the cortisone shots from the doc. Get a book on backyard organic soil and start there, don't bother planting anything until you have soil. Sorry Stoneyfield, the assault is not in the courts but in the backyard. That is where we all messed up.
And that's no coincidence since the right wing has moved the cause of labor and working Americans backwards at least 100 years. Leadership implies movement or improvement in the forward or betterment mode. Instead, what we get from conservatives and the right wing is an incessant drive into the past when slavery and exploitation were much more easily accomplished by the privileged class.
Haven't we carried this anti-smoking warning label thing far enough? I mean to put a warning that reads "Tobacco smoke causes fatal lung disease in non smokers" on a pack of cigarettes is ridiculous. Here are some warnings the public would be much better served by:
Radiation from damaged nuclear plants may cause high cancer and death rates globally.
Electing lying politicians may cause irrepairable damage to your financial well being and millions of deaths overseas.
Industrial pollution may exterminate life as we know it.
Government regulatory agencies that act on behalf of industries they are supposed to regulate pose serious health risks including death
But I guess the FDA is just giving us what we have come to expect from the worthless regulatory organizations we have these days.
Since the rule of law doesn't apply to the ruling elite of our social structure it is hardly surprising that Prosser acts with impunity. I can't believe that he got away with the misplaced votes scam that kept him in office. Of course this all pales next to the incredible crimes of Bush and Cheney and the new flunky president. If we weren't invading Iraq and Afgahnistan, and bombing Libya and Packistan do you think any of this would be happening? This country cannot move forward until we prosecute the international criminals who have lead us down this path of inhumanity.
In 2005, researchers and the University of California, San Francisco reviewed [ unpublished in vivo research on secondhand cigarette smoke performed by scientists] at the [[Philip Morris]] during the 1980s at its overseas biological lab Institut für Biologische Forschung, or [[INBIFO]]. Between 1981 and 1989 PM performed at least 115 separate studies at INBIFO on the toxicity of secondhand tobacco smoke. The existence of these studies on secondhand smoke was completely unknown until the tobacco industry's internal documents were made public on the Internet in 1998. PM's studies revealed that inhaled fresh secondhand smoke is approximately four times more toxic per gram in its total particulate matter than mainstream cigarette smoke (the smoke the smoker himself inhales). The condensate ("tar") derived from secondhand smoke is approximately three times more toxic per gram and two to six times more tumorigenic per gram than the condensate produced by mainstream smoke when applied to skin. Philip Morris never revealed the results of these studies to the public or any government.
Secondhand smoke is more chemically potent that what the smoker himself inhales.
The way I join in the fight, is what I buy and how I eat. If you can't lobby, and get involved, then at least watch what you buy, vote with your feet. When WFM showed up on the scene, I saw what they sold. They showed up about when the law was changed regarding what was deemed "organic". They sold "conventional" from the beginning as I remember shopping in Orlando. I could see where that was going from the start. So, how about you Americans learning how to grow some decent soil in your backyard. How about a few chickens. They are so esy to care for. Our ancestors always had chickens, and at least a small garden with rich soil grown with manure, leaves and compost. Their lives were centered around food then, not around large corporations producing food for us. Everybody sick now, everywhere I go, no matter what kind of house they live in. What, isn't this famine? Look at those huge swollen guts I see everywhere, reminds me of certain commercials on TV asking for donations for dying children in third world countries. Stop the cortisone shots from the doc. Get a book on backyard organic soil and start there, don't bother planting anything until you have soil. Sorry Stoneyfield, the assault is not in the courts but in the backyard. That is where we all messed up.
Haven't we carried this anti-smoking warning label thing far enough? I mean to put a warning that reads "Tobacco smoke causes fatal lung disease in non smokers" on a pack of cigarettes is ridiculous. Here are some warnings the public would be much better served by:
Radiation from damaged nuclear plants may cause high cancer and death rates globally.
Electing lying politicians may cause irrepairable damage to your financial well being and millions of deaths overseas.
Industrial pollution may exterminate life as we know it.
Government regulatory agencies that act on behalf of industries they are supposed to regulate pose serious health risks including death
But I guess the FDA is just giving us what we have come to expect from the worthless regulatory organizations we have these days.
Since the rule of law doesn't apply to the ruling elite of our social structure it is hardly surprising that Prosser acts with impunity. I can't believe that he got away with the misplaced votes scam that kept him in office. Of course this all pales next to the incredible crimes of Bush and Cheney and the new flunky president. If we weren't invading Iraq and Afgahnistan, and bombing Libya and Packistan do you think any of this would be happening? This country cannot move forward until we prosecute the international criminals who have lead us down this path of inhumanity.